Osha Compliance Checklist Page 9


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Means of Egress
- 29 CFR Subpart E -
Does your building:
Have a sufficient number of exit routes which allow for prompt and convenient escape in
case of emergency?
Prohibit the placing of locks or devices which would prevent emergency egress?
Have exit routes which are understandable and clearly visible?
Have exit signs with lettering that measures at least 6 inches high and 3/4 inch wide?
Label doors "Not an Exit" on those doors which may be misconstrued as an exit?
Provide adequate and reliable illumination for exits?
Provide a free-standing alarm system which can warn occupants of fire or other hazards
when the hazard is not visible?
Ensure that all exit routes and routes to the public space outdoors are maintained free from
obstructions or impediments?
Maintain, where provided, the automatic sprinkler system, the fire detection and alarm
system, exit lighting, and fire doors?
Utilize components, i.e. fire resistance doors, that comply with the standard?


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