Osha Compliance Checklist Page 8


Matting (continued)
Use mats with a non-slip backing on wet surfaces to reduce
Cleaning Chemicals
Use a chemical treatment specifically designed to enhance slip-
resistance without harming the floor in high risk areas.
Select a floor cleaner which enhances slip-resistance and does
not leave a slippery soap residue, rinsing thoroughly with clean
water after use.
Keep all work environments, passage ways, storerooms and
service rooms clean, sanitary and orderly.
Keep workroom floors clean and as dry as possible. Where wet
processes are used, provide drainage, false floors, platforms,
mats or other dry standing places where practical.
Keep floors, working places and passage ways free of
protruding nails, splinters, holes, loose boards or tiles.
Practice sound record keeping by keeping a cleaning log,
including products used, surfaces cleaned, when and whom
tasks are performed, and cleaning procedures. (A documented
floor safety program is key to fighting accusations of
Employee Training
Uniformly train employees to established safety procedures,
stressing that safety if everyone’s job and offering ongoing
education and training as necessary.
Provide all employees with a consistent level of product usage
training, and ask your cleaning chemical manufacturer for
instructional video tapes, charts, seminars and other training
Post written slip/fall prevention and accident handling policies
employee bulletin boards.
Keep a training log for each employee to sign which
acknowledges that they were trained on the company’s
comprehensive slip/fall prevention strategy, which consists of
floor cleaning /treatment products & maintenance procedures.
Provide a reward system for employees who promote positive
safety promotions.
Be specific when recommending appropriate safety footwear
and select only slip-resistant soles.
Require the shoe manufacturer to produce data as it relates to
Provide employees with access to slip-resistant footwear and
make it a job requirement.


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