Osha Compliance Checklist Page 23


Bloodborne Pathogens
- 29 CFR §1910.1030
Does your company:
Employ individuals who could reasonably be anticipated to come in contact with blood or
other potentially infectious materials? If yes, please continue.
Have a written exposure control plan that is updated at least annually?
Implement universal precautions?
Implement appropriate engineering controls such as biosafety cabinets?
Enforce appropriate work practices such as hand washing after removing gloves that were
exposed to body fluids?
Supply personal protective equipment if there is still a possibility of exposure after work
practices and engineering controls have been implemented?
Follow specified procedures to ensure that the workplace is kept in a clean and sanitary
Make the Hepatitis B vaccine available?
Provide a follow-up medical evaluation after an exposure incident?
Label with the universal biohazard symbol all containers that contain blood, regulated waste,
or other potentially infectious material?
Provide the required training program?
Establish and maintain training and medical records for each employee with occupational


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