Osha Compliance Checklist Page 18


- 29 CFR §1910.147 -
Does your company:
Have employees who service and/or maintain machines in which the unexpected start-up or
the release of stored energy could cause injury to the employee? If yes, please continue.
Have an energy control program?
Follow written energy control procedures designed to control potentially hazardous energy
sources whenever workers perform activities covered by the standard?
Use locks as energy-isolating devices unless tags would provide protection at least as
effective as locks and would assure full employee protection, or unless the energy source is
not capable of being locked out?
Ensure that all newly purchased equipment is lockable?
Ensure that all lockout/tagout devices are durable, standardized, substantial, and identifiable?
Provide effective, initial employee training and retraining as necessary?
Certify in writing that all employees covered by the standard have been trained?
Conduct periodic inspections at least annually to assure that the energy control procedures
are properly implemented and that the affected employees are familiar with their
Certify in writing that the periodic inspections have been performed?
Follow the additional safety requirements when: machines need to be tested or repositioned
during servicing, OR outside personnel are at the worksite, OR servicing or maintenance is
performed by a group, OR shift or personnel changes occur?


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