Osha Compliance Checklist Page 15


Properly maintain and annually inspect the systems using approved test methods?
Have a sprinkler system that provides at least one automatic water supply capable of
providing design water flow for at least 30 minutes?
Have a sprinkler system that allows for at least 18 vertical inches between the system and
Fixed Extinguishing Systems
Have fixed extinguishing systems as may be required by an OSHA standard? If yes, please
Are the extinguishing systems designed and approved for use on the specific fire hazards
they are expected to control?
Notify employees when an extinguishing system becomes inoperable and take the necessary
precautions to assure employee safety until the system is repaired?
Have, except for where discharge from a system is immediately recognizable, an alarm or
signaling system in areas of discharge that sufficiently alerts employees as to an
extinguishing system's activation?
Enforce procedures to prevent employees from entering into discharge areas where the
condition of the area is hazardous to employee safety or health?
Post caution signs at the entrance to, and inside of, areas protected by extinguishing systems
which use substances in hazardous concentrations?
Have an authorized individual annually inspect each system?
Check, semi-annually, the weight and pressure of refillable containers (and the weight of
nonrefillable containers)?
Fire Detection Systems
Have a fire detection system as required by any OSHA standard? If yes, please continue?
Use approved devices that are maintained in operable condition by an authorized individual?
Restore each fire detection system to normal operable condition after each test or alarm?
Protect fire protection devices from corrosion and physical impact?
Utilize a detection system which activates a fire suppression or extinguishment system? If
yes, is the system designed to respond in time to control the fire?
Please Note: OSHA has substance specific standards for
fixed extinguishing systems that use dry chemical, gaseous
agents, water spray and/or foam, as well as for total flooding
Contact ISSA for further information.


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