Osha Compliance Checklist Page 13


Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- 29 CFR §1910.146 -
Does your company:
Employ individuals who must work in confined spaces which pose health or safety hazards
as defined by 29 CFR §1910.146? If yes, please continue (such spaces are classified as
permit-required confined spaces).
Inform exposed employees and contractors of the existence, location, and danger posed by
permit-required confined spaces?
Prevent unauthorized employees from entering permit-required confined spaces?
Implement the written, permit-required confined space program for covered employees?
Ensure that entry permits contain all of the required information?
Have the entry supervisor sign and post (or otherwise make available to entrants) the
completed entry permit?
Retain each canceled entry permit for at least 1 year to facilitate the review of the confined
space program?
Train all employees who are required to work in permit-required confined spaces before the
employees enter the space?
Train the employee who will serve as the attendant outside of the confined space?
Train the entry supervisor?
Train the rescue service personnel?
A permit-required confined space is defined as any one of
the following: a space that contains or has a potential to
contain a hazardous atmosphere, OR, a space that contains a
material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant, OR, a
space which has an internal configuration such that an entrant
could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or
by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-
section, OR a space that contains any other recognized serious
safety or health hazard.


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