Osha Compliance Checklist Page 12


Personal Protective Equipment
- 29 CFR Subpart I -
Does your company:
Conduct workplace hazard assessments to determine if hazards are present, or likely to be
present, which require the use of personal protection equipment?
Certify in writing that a workplace hazard assessment has been performed?
Abstain from using personal protective equipment as a substitute for engineering, work
practice and/or administrative controls?
Select and provide suitable personal protection equipment which will protect employees from
existing hazards?
Ensure that the personal protective equipment properly fits employees and that the employees
use the equipment?
Ensure that personal protective equipment is maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition?
Ensure that employee-owned equipment is adequate and properly maintained?
Ensure that defective and/or damaged equipment is not used?
Certify in writing that the company has trained each of the covered employees on the use of
personal protective equipment, including when it is necessary, what type is necessary, how it
is to be worn, what its limitations are, as well as its proper care, maintenance, useful life and
* The standard also discusses specific requirements for different types of personal protective
equipment including: eye and face protection, respiratory protection, head protection, foot protection,
electrical protective equipment, and hand protection.


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