Adult Education Programs Goal Setting Form-Smart Goal Worksheet For Student Growth Page 2


Adult Education Programs Goal Setting Form
Student Growth option
Educator Name
Time frame for goal
SMART goal for Student Growth
Rationale for Goal
Why was this goal chosen? (2) What specific CCR standards or program goal does it address?
Baseline Data/Background Information
Please include what you know about the targeted students’ performance, skills, and achievement levels at the beginning of the year (relevant to
this goal) as well as any additional student data or background information that you used in setting your objective. Provide this information for
each indicator, if specific pre-test or baseline data are available.
Interim Assessments
What interim assessments do you plan to use to gauge student progress toward this student growth goal?
Strategies/Actions to Achieve the Goal
Professional Learning Support
What professional learning and/or other type of support would help you to achieve this student growth goal?
Signatures (to be completed after discussion of growth goal)
o Revisions Required
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