Form N-8b-4 - Registration Statement Of Face-Amount Certificate Companies - Securities And Exchange Commission Page 8


Item 16. Securities Other than Face-Amount Certificates
Furnish the following information as to each class of authorized securities of the registrant other than face-amount certificates:
As of ________________________________
Col. A
Col. B
Col. C
Col. D
Amount outstanding
(exclusive of amount
Title of issue
Amount authorized
held in treasury)
Amount in treasury
Information need not be set forth as to promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in consideration of any loan, extension,
or renewal thereof, made by a bank or other person and privately arranged and not intended to be publicly offered which mature not
later than nine months from the date of issuance; provided the total amount as to which the information is omitted does not exceed five
percent of the registrant’s total assets or $1,000,000, whichever amount is smaller.
Securities other than those referred to in Section 18(j)(1)(A), (B) and (C) of the Act shall be shown in a separate group.
The information shall be given as of the date of the most recent balance sheet filed for the registrant. Indicate in a note any material
changes since the date of the table.
Item 17. Description of Face-Amount Certificates
For each series of Face-Amount Certificates of the registrant set forth under Item 15, furnish the following information:
(a) Title of series and date first issued.
(b) State (1) the methods and amounts of payments, (2) the number of certificate years to maturity and (3) the provisions for payments
after maturity.
(c) Outline briefly any provision for changing the payment basis and the mechanics by which such change is accomplished. State
whether or not any notice on the part of the certificate holder is required to initiate a change in the payment basis.
(d) Describe briefly any provision or procedure with respect to changing the anniversary and maturity dates and the effect thereof.
(e) Outline briefly the provisions of the certificate with respect to (1) cash surrender and loan values at anniversary dates and immediately
after a specified payment, including the basis of computing the surrender charge, and (2) rate of and method of charging interest on
loans to certificate holders.
(f) Outline briefly the lapse, reinstatement, “paid-up,” death and disability, transfer and call provisions of the certificate. State whether
or not certificate values are improved during periods of delinquency and describe briefly the provisions for making up payments in
default. Indicate the procedure followed in notifying certificate holders that payments are due and, if none, so state.
(g) Describe briefly any provision for the making of advance payments by the certificate holder and for the back-dating or pre-dating
of certificate payments. Indicate any restriction on the withdrawal of advance payments and the extent to which interest is credited
in the event of such withdrawal. Describe any provision for applying advance payments on the certificate in the event of default.
(h) Outline briefly any conversion or voting rights and provisions restricting the declaration of dividends. If none, so state.
(i) Describe briefly any provision for additional credits or participation in profits and state the basis of computation. Indicate any
restrictions thereon with respect to particular classes of certificates.
(j) Outline briefly provisions for optional settlements and state whether the granting thereof is mandatory.
(k) Describe briefly contractual, regulatory and statutory provisions and conditions with respect to maintenance of reserves. Indicate the
nature of the reserves maintained and the assumed improvement rate used in the computation thereof. If the obligation to improve
any certificate reserve is dependent upon earnings (other than as stated under (i)), outline briefly the provisions applicable thereto.
(l) State the character and ratio of qualified investments or other assets required to be maintained. State whether the governing instruments
provide that certificate holders shall have a lien on such investments or other assets and, if so, describe the kind and priority of such lien.


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