Form N-8b-4 - Registration Statement Of Face-Amount Certificate Companies - Securities And Exchange Commission Page 4


1. This item does not relate to corporate powers and objects specified in the charter but to actual business done and intended to be
2. The description of the business should include the general character of any materially important business of the registrant and its
subsidiaries other than the issuance and redemption of face-amount certificates and investing and trading in securities, real estate
mortgages and similar investments, and, insofar as practicable, the relative importance of each such line to the business of the total
enterprise in terms of contribution to gross income.
3. The description required by this item shall include the business of subsidiaries and predecessors of the registrant only insofar as
necessary to understand the character and development of the business transacted by the total enterprise represented by the registrant
and its subsidiaries.
Item 6. Underwriting Securities Issued by Other Persons
(a) Summarize briefly any provision in the charter, other instrument of organization or bylaws of registrant (other than the mere
authorization to buy and sell or otherwise deal in securities) which authorizes or restricts the power of registrant to act as underwriter
of securities issued by persons other than the registrant.
(b) Describe briefly the policy of the registrant with respect to acting as underwriter of securities issued by other persons.
Instruction. Registrant may reserve freedom of action with respect to acting as underwriter, but if such freedom of action is reserved, a
statement shall be made briefly indicating, insofar as is practicable, the extent to which registrant so intends to act. (See Investment Company
Act of 1940 Release No. 167.)
(c) State the name and address of each issuer for which the registrant has acted as underwriter during the last fiscal year. Identify all
such issuers affiliated with the registrant and state the nature of the affiliation.
(d) For each issuer named under (c) state the title of each issue underwritten and the approximate amount thereof distributed during the
last fiscal year.
(e) Describe briefly any liability assumed by the registrant in its capacity as underwriter other than that ordinarily attaching to the
relationship of underwriter and issuer.
Item 7. Concentration of Investments in Particular Industries
(a) Summarize briefly any provision in the charter, other instrument of organization or bylaws of registrant which specifically requires
or forbids the registrant to concentrate its investments in a particular industry or group of industries.
(b) Describe briefly the policy of the registrant with respect to concentrating its investments in a particular industry or group of
Instruction. Registrant may reserve freedom of action with respect to the concentration of investments in particular industries, but if such
freedom of action is reserved, a statement shall be made briefly indicating, insofar as is practicable, the extent to which registrant intends to
concentrate its investments. (See Investment Company Act of 1940 Release No. 167.)
(c) Indicate the nature of any industry or group of industries in which the registrant’s investments were concentrated at the end of each
of the last three fiscal years covered by the financial statements filed herewith, and the approximate percentage of assets of registrant
represented by its investment in each such industry or group of industries at the end of each year.
Item 8. Investments in Securities
(a) Describe briefly the policy of the registrant with respect to investment in the following types of investments:
(1) Income producing securities
(A) United States Government Bonds
(B) Other bonds
(C) Preferred bonds
(D) Common stocks
(2) Non-income producing securities
(A) Special situations
(B) Promotional enterprises
(3) Investments in particular companies
(A) Dependent upon management
(B) Dependent upon location
(C) Dependent upon product or service


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