Form N-8b-4 - Registration Statement Of Face-Amount Certificate Companies - Securities And Exchange Commission Page 21


7. Historical Financial Information
Furnish the information specified below for the 7-year period preceding the period for which profit and loss statements are being filed, as
to the accounts of each person for which balance sheet is being filed. The information is to be given as to all the accounts specified whether
they are presently being carried on the books or not. This instruction does not call for an audit, but only for a survey or review of the accounts
named. It should not be detailed beyond a point material to the investor. Information may be omitted, however, as to any person for which
equivalent information for the period has been filed with the Commission pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.
Revaluations of Assets. If there were any material increases or decreases in investments or other tangible or intangible assets resulting
from revaluing such assets, state—(1) in what year or years such revaluations were made; (2) the amounts of such increases or decreases,
and the accounts affected, including all related entries; and (3) if in connection with such revaluations any related adjustments were made in
reserve accounts, state the accounts and amounts with explanations.
Changes in Certificate Reserves. If there were any material increases or decreases in certificate reserves, resulting from restating, eliminating,
or changing the basis for any of such reserves, identify the reserves and state—(1) In what year or years such increases or decreases were
made; (2) the reasons and basis therefor; and (3) the amounts of such increases or decreases, and the accounts affected, including all related
Capital Shares
(a) If there were any material restatements of capital shares which resulted in transfers from capital share liability to surplus or reserve,
state the amount of each such restatement and all related entries. No statement need be made as to restatements resulting from the
declaration of share dividends.
(b) If there was an original issue of capital shares, any part of the proceeds of which was credited to accounts other than capital share
accounts, state the title of the class, the accounts and the respective amounts credited thereto.
Premiums and Discount on Securities Retired
(a) If any face-amount certificates or other securities were called or otherwise retired at an amount materially in excess of or less than the
reserves maintained or liability therefor at the time of such retirement, state—(1) Title of the securities; (2) date or dates of retirement;
(3) difference between amount paid on retirement and reserves maintained or certificate or other liability at date of retirement; and
(4) the accounts affected, including all material related entries.
(b) Information need not be given under paragraph (a) as to the retirement of certificates by maturity or by election of certificate holders
to take the cash surrender value or to exercise any other option specifically permitted by the terms of the certificate.
Other Changes in Surplus. If there were any material increases or decreases in surplus other than those resulting from transactions
specified above, the closing of the profit and loss account or the declaration or payment of dividends, state—(1) the year or years in which
such increases or decreases were made; (2) the nature and amounts thereof; and (3) the accounts affected, including all material related entries.
Paragraph (c) under “Revaluations of Property” shall also apply here.
Predecessors. Information shall also be furnished as to any predecessor of the registrant, if:
(a) The registrant at the time of succession continued under substantially the same ownership and control as the predecessor; and
(b) The registrant succeeded to either (1) substantially all of the assets of the predecessor, or (2) a substantial portion thereof and such
portion was segregated on the books of the predecessor.
The information shall be furnished from the beginning of the period to the date of succession, not only as to the entries made respectively
in the books of the predecessor or the successor, but also as to the changes affected by means of the transaction by which the assets were
transferred from the predecessor, except that no information need be furnished as to any one or more predecessors of the registrant, if such
predecessors, considered in the aggregate, would not constitute a significant predecessor.


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