Form N-8b-4 - Registration Statement Of Face-Amount Certificate Companies - Securities And Exchange Commission Page 15


Item 33. Insurance of Holders of Face-Amount Certificates
Furnish the following information with respect to insurance of holders of face-amount certificates of the registrant:
(a) The name and address of the insurance company.
(b) The types of policies and whether individual or group policies.
(c) The types of risks insured and excluded.
(d) The coverage of the policies.
(e) The beneficiaries of such policies and the uses to which the proceeds of policies must be put.
(f) The terms and method of cancellation and of reinstatement.
(g) The method of determining the amount of premiums to be paid by holders of certificates and the method provided for payment
(h) The amount of aggregate premiums paid to the insurance company during the last fiscal year.
(i) State whether any person other than the insurance company receives any part of such premiums, the name of each such person and
the amounts involved, and the nature of the services rendered therefor.
(j) The substance or any other material provisions of any agreement of the registrant relating to insurance of holders of face-amount
certificates issued by the registrant.
Item 34. Directors, Officers and Advisory Board Members
(a) List the names and complete mailing addresses of all directors, executive officers and advisory board members of the registrant and
indicate all positions and offices held by each person named.
Complete mailing address
(b) Describe briefly the business experience during the past five years of each person named under paragraph (a). Include the present
principal occupation or employment of each such person, if other than with the registrant, and the name and character of the business
of the corporation or other organization, if any, in which such occupation or employment is carried on.
Instruction. For the purposes of this item, the term “executive officer” means the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, and
any other officer who performs policy making functions for the registrant.
Item 35. Indemnification of Directors, Officers, Investment Advisers and Principal Underwriters
Describe any arrangement under which any director, officer, investment adviser or principal underwriter of the registrant is insured or
indemnified in any manner against any liability which he may incur in his or its capacity as director, officer, investment adviser or principal
Item 36. Compensation of Directors and Officers
(a) Furnish the following information, in substantially the tabular form indicated, as to the aggregate compensation directly or indirectly
paid or set aside by the registrant and its subsidiaries to, or for the benefit of, the following persons for services in all capacities while
acting as directors or officers of the registrant during its last fiscal year:
(1) Each person who was a director or member of the advisory board of the registrant at any time during such fiscal year and whose
aggregate compensation, exclusive of pension, retirement and similar payments, exceeded $25,000.
(2) Each person who was one of the three highest-paid officers of the registrant during such fiscal year whose aggregate compensation,
exclusive of pension, retirement, and similar payments, exceeded $25,000.
(3) All persons, as a group, who were directors, advisory board members or officers of the registrant at any time during such fiscal year.


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