Form S-20 - Registration Statement Under The Securities Act Of 1933 Page 2


Item 1. Forepart of the Registration Statement and Outside Front Cover Page of Prospectus.
Set forth in the forepart of the registration statement and on the outside front cover page of the prospectus the information required
by Item 501 of Regulation S-K [§229.501 of this chapter]. In the case of a foreign registrant, the information required by Item
502(f) of Regulation S-K [§229.502(f) of this chapter] also shall be included. In addition, the outside front cover page of the
prospectus shall contain a statement to the effectt hat (1) an options disclosure document containing a description of the risks of
options transactions is required to be furnished to option investors and stating from whom such a document may be obtained; (2)
the financial statements and certain additional information required by Part II of the registration statement, other than exhibits, can
be obtained without charge upon request from the registrant; and (3) the exhibits required by Part II of the registration statement
can be inspected at the offices of the registrant or obtained from the registrant or the Securities and Exchange Commission upon
payment of an appropriate fee.
Item 2. Description of Registrant.
(a) State the year in which the registrant was organized, its form of organization and the name of the State or other jurisdiction
under the laws of which it was organized.
(b) List all the parents of the registrant showing the basis of control.
(c) Briefly describe the business of the registrant and the services rendered by it.
Item 3. Description of Securities to be Registered.
State the title of securities to be registered, the rights evidenced by such securities, whether certificates representing these securities
are issued, the contractual obligations of the registrant with respect to such securities and any restrictions on the purchase of such
Instruction. This item only requires a brief summary of the provisions of the security. A complete legal description of the
provisions referred to is not required and should not be given; only a succinct resume is required.
Item 4. Directors and Executive Officers.
Furnish the information required by Item 401 of Regulation S-K [§229.401 of this chapter].
Item 5. Legal Proceedings.
Furnish the information required by Item 103 of Regulation S-K [§229.103 of this chapter].
Item 6. Legal Options and Experts.
Furnish the information required by Items 601(b)(5) and 601(b)(24) of Regulation S-K [§229.601 of this chapter].
Item 7. Financial Statements.
Include financial statements meeting the requirements of Regulation S-X [17 CFR Part 210] and the supplementary financial
information specified by Item 12 of Regulation S-K [17 CFR 229.20].
Item 8. Undertakings.
Furnish the following undertakings:
1. The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes to file a post-effective amendment, not later than 120 days after the end of
each fiscal year subsequent to that covered by the financial statements presented herein, containing financial statements
meeting the requirements of Regulation S-X [17 CFR 210] and the supplementary financial information specified by Item
12 of Regulation S-K [17 CFR 229.20].
2. The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes not to issue, clear, guarantee or accept any security registered herein until
there is a definitive options disclosure document meeting the requirements of Rule 9b-1 of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 with respect to the class options.


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