Form It-Fc - Film Tax Credit - 2008 Page 2


Form IT-FC 2008 (09/08)
Calculation of Credit
Current Tax Year
1. Credit on Base Investment or Excess Base Investment
(a) Base Investment/Excess Base Investment in Georgia
(b) Percent of Credit for Base Investment
(c) Tax Credit for Base Investment (multiply 1(a) by 1(b))
2. Additional Credit for Qualified Georgia Promotion
(a) Base Investment/Excess Base Investment in Georgia
(b) Percent of Credit for Qualified Georgia Promotion
(c) Tax Credit for Qualified Georgia Promotion (multiply 2(a) by 2(b))
3. Total Current Year Tax Credit (Add lines 1(c) and 2(c))
Total Credit Allowed
4. Credit Carried Forward from Prior Years (From Line 12)
5. Total Credit Available in the Current Year (Line 3 plus Line 4)
6. Georgia Income Tax Liability for Current Year
7. Remaining Tax Credit (Line 5 minus Line 6, but no less than zero)
8. Amount to be claimed against Withholding (*See note below)
9. Remaining Credit to be Carried Forward
* Credit from previous years is not eligible to be utilized against withholding unless a timely election was made for the
respective prior year. In order to claim the withholding benefit, Form IT-WH must be filed at least 30 days prior to the
filing of the original income tax return.
Carry Forward Credit from Prior Tax Years
Specify Year(s)
10. Amount of Film Tax Credit Generated in Prior Years
11. Amount of Film Tax Credit Utilized or Transferred in Prior Years
12. Balance of Film Tax Credit Available to Carry Forward
Was any of the tax credit from Line 12:
Previously utilized against Withholding? _____________ If so, amount and year utilized _________________
Previously claimed against Income Taxes? ____________ If so, amount and year claimed _________________
Previously Transferred? ___________________________ If so, amount and year transferred ______________
Credit transfers must be documented on Form IT-TRANS and mailed to the address on that form or credit will not be allowed
when claimed by the transferee.


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