Form 40x L02 - North Dakota Amended Corporation Income Tax Return - 2001


North Dakota
Form 40X
Amended Corporation Income Tax Return
Calendar Year or Fiscal Year beginning _______________, _________, and ending ® ® ® ® ® _______________, ________.
(Revised Dec. 2001)
Federal employer identification no.
Mailing address
Name the original Form 40 was filed under
City, State, Zip Code
Phone number
Income and deductions
As originally reported
Net change
Correct amount
or as adjusted
increase or (decrease)
1 Income .................................................................................................
Check the box used for the original return filing method
1 __________________ __________________ __________________
a J
b J
b1 J
b2 J
c J
d J
2 Total additions .....................................................................................
2 __________________ __________________ __________________
3 Total subtractions (See instructions) ...................................................
3 __________________ __________________ __________________
Allocable income less related expenses (See instructions) ..........
3a __________________ __________________ __________________
4 N. D. apportionable income (Add Lines 1 and 2, then subtract
lines 3 and 3a) .....................................................................................
4 __________________
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _
5 North Dakota apportionment factor ...................................................
6 Income apportioned to North Dakota (line 4 multiplied by line 5) ......
6 __________________
7 Income allocated to North Dakota less related expenses .....................
7 __________________ __________________ __________________
8 North Dakota income (Add lines 6 and 7) ...........................................
8 __________________
9 Federal tax deduction ...........................................................................
9 __________________ __________________ __________________
10 Exemption for new and expanding business ........................................
10 __________________ __________________ __________________
11 Renaissance zone income exemption(s) (See instructions) ..................
11 __________________ __________________ __________________
12 N. D. income after federal tax deductions and income exemptions
(Subtract Lines 9, 10 and 11 from Line 8) ...........................................
12 __________________
13 North Dakota net operating loss deduction (See instructions) ............
13 __________________ __________________ __________________
14 Balance (Subtract line 13 from line 12) ................................................
14 __________________
15 Recapture of federal alternative minimum tax .....................................
15 __________________ __________________ __________________
16 N. D. taxable income (Subtract line 15 from line 14) ...........................
16 __________________
Payment due or refund
17 Regular income tax due for amount on Line 16, Column C (See tax rate table below) ................................................ (C) 17 __________________
18 Alternative minimum tax due ....................................................................................................................................... (B) 18 __________________
19 Total tax liability (Add lines 17 and 18) ......................................................................................................................
19 __________________
20 Total North Dakota income tax credits (See instructions) ........................................................................................... (Y) 20 __________________
21 Net tax liability (Subtract line 20 from line 19) ........................................................................................................... (G) 21 __________________
22 Net tax liability previously paid after credits .............................................................................................................. (H) 22 __________________
23 If line 21 is greater than line 22, enter difference as Balance Due .................................................................... (J) 23 __________________
a. Interest and penalty for Balance Due on line 23 (See instructions) ......................................................................
(I) 23a __________________
b. Total Payment Due (Add lines 23 and 23a. No payment under $5) ....................................................................
23b __________________
24 If line 22 is greater than line 21, enter difference as Overpayment .................................................................. (D) 24 __________________
a. Interest for Overpayment on line 24 (See instructions) ........................................................................................
(I) 24a __________________
b. Amount to be Refunded (Add lines 24 and 24a. No refund under $5) ................................................................
24b __________________
Check the box that best describes the reason for these changes and attach an explanation of the changes.
J J J J J Federal Adjustments
J J J J J State Adjustments
J J J J J Other
I declare under the penalties of North Dakota Century Code § 12.1-11-02, which provides for a Class A misdemeanor for making a false statement in a governmental
matter, that I have filed an original return and that this amended return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the
best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct, and complete return.
Date: ___________________
Signature of Officer: ______________________________________
Title: ____________________________________
Date: ___________________
Signature of Preparer: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Mail to: Office of State Tax Commissioner, 600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0599.
Tax Rate Table
Please Do Not Write In This Space
(For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1983)
(Contact Office of State Tax Commissioner For Rates of Previous Years)
If the amount on Line 16, Column C is not over $3,000 ....................................... 3%
$ 3,000 t o $ 8,000 ....
90.00 plus 4.5%
of excess over $
$ 8,000 t o $ 20,000 ....
$ 315.00 plus
of excess over $
$ 20,000 t o $ 30,000 ....
$1,035.00 plus 7.5%
of excess over $ 20,000
$ 30,000 t o $ 50,000 ....
$1,785.00 plus
of excess over $ 30,000
Over $50,000 ...................
$3,585.00 plus 10.5%
of excess over $ 50,000
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