Form Otc 901 - Business Personal Property Rendition

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State of Oklahoma
Tax Year
Business Personal Property Rendition
Return to County Assessor - Filing Date: January 1 - Delinquent Penalties after March 15
Revised 6-2013
Report Only Tangible Assets
FEIN: ________________________________________________________
Type of Business: _______________________________________________
North American Industry
Classification System
Are other businesses included in this rendition?
If yes, please list: ______________________________________________
Physical location if different from mailing address:
Mailing Address
Please provide the name and phone number of person to contact for audit purposes:
Are you still in business at this location?
Are you renting or leasing this business location?
If No, Where? __________________________________
If yes, do you own any real estate improvements at this location?
If no, do you still own the business personal property?
Date Disposed/Sold: ____/____/____ If disposed or sold, stop here.
When did you start business at this location?
Date ____/____/____
Sign and return.
Part Two: Oklahoma Taxable Fixed Assets, from Form 904 Schedule 3 or 3A
Assessor Use
Beginning Total
Additions to Total
Deletions to Total
Ending Total Original
Original Cost or RCN
Original Cost or RCN
Original Cost or RCN
Cost or RCN
Not Book Value
Not Book Value
Not Book Value
Not Book Value
Assessed Value
Leasehold Improvement
Original Cost
Furniture and Fixtures
Original Cost
Electric Equipment
Original Cost
Computer Equipment
Original Cost
Machinery and Equipment
Original Cost
Forklifts and Construction
Original Cost
Tooling, Dies and Molds
Original Cost
Other Assets and Trade Tools
Original Cost
Leased to Others
Original Cost
Leased from Others
Original Cost (See Instructions)
Total Fixed Assets
See Instructions
Part Three: Oklahoma Taxable Inventory
Net Inventory
Total Assessed
Average Inventory (From Part 6)
Total supplies, parts,
Less Freeport Exemption
(Form 901-F)
equipment, etc. stored
and/or not currently in use
Total Net
Consignment and/or Floorplan Inventory
including raw materials,
work in progress, finished
Date Filed
Net Taxable Inventory
goods, etc.
_____ / _____ / _____
Assessment %
School District
State of Oklahoma • County of ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
I, _________________________________________________________________________ under penalties of perjury, do hereby depose and say that
I am _____________________________________________ of _______________________________________________________________ company;
that as such I am acquainted with the books, accounts, and affairs of said company and know that the accompanying statement to be true, correct, and
complete, and that all information requested herein has been fully and correctly given. (68 O.S. Section 2945 provides penalties for false oaths)
Don’t Forget
Signature of preparer if other than taxpayer
Preparer’s address
to Sign
Signature of taxpayer
Preparer’s identification number
Preparer’s phone number


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