Five-Day Notice-Pay Or Quit Form

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Pay or Quit
Five-Day Notice to Pay or Quit
1. “Time is of the essence” reinstated. To the extent the “time is of the essence” provision of the rental agree-
ment has not previously been enforced and/or has been waived, tenant(s) is hereby notified that the “time
is of the essence” provision is hereby reinstated via this notice. From the date of this letter and thereafter,
the time periods specified in the rental agreement and by law shall be strictly enforced.
2. Notice. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 33, Chapter 10, Section 33-1368(B), you are hereby ten-
dered five days written notice of: (1) nonpayment of rent and (2) the landlord’s intention to terminate your
tenancy if rent is not paid within five calendar days. Provided this letter is received on the “Date” specified
the fifth day falls on _______________ .
3. Reinstatement. To reinstate the rental agreement, you must remit all due, but as yet unpaid, rent and other
amounts owing in the “TOTAL” shown below within the five-day period:
$ _________
Rent for
$ _________
Late charges
$ _________
Notice fee
$ _________
$ _________
(This stated “TOTAL” is exclusive of future accruing monthly rent, late fees and/or other amounts until full
payment is received)
4. Eviction. In the event full payment is not tendered within five calendar days after receipt of this notice,
an eviction action will be filed against you to: (1) recover possession of the premises, (2) to terminate your
contractual right to possess and occupy the premises, and (3) to obtain a money judgment against you
for rent, late fees and/or any other amounts due under the rental agreement or available by law, including
attorney’s fees and court costs.
5. Quit. As an alternative to payment, you may “quit the premises” (i.e., vacate the premises) on or before the
fifth day, thereby avoiding a court of law entering a judgment of eviction against you. Vacating the premises,
however, will not relieve you from liability for the outstanding balance and/or other amounts due under
the rental agreement.
This Notice delivered via:
N Certified Mail
N Regular First Class Mail
(Landlord or agent for Landlord)
N Other ______________________
N Hand delivery
(acknowledgment of hand delivery by tenant)
This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Unless you dispute the
validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, within thirty days of receipt of this letter, it will be assumed to be valid.
If the dispute is received in writing, debt verification, or a copy of the judgment, will be obtained and mailed to you.
If requested in writing within thirty days of receipt of this letter, the original creditor’s name and address will be
provided. Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1692E(11), please be advised that this communication is from a landlord or property
manager, which may, in this case, be acting as or on behalf of a debt collector.
If not received on the date above, your tenancy will terminate five days after receipt of this notice if you have not reinstated the rental agreement by
tendering payment of the amounts due at that time.
To the extent one or more of the above does not fall within the meaning of “rent,” as provided by the rental agreement and/or the law, then those
amounts need not be paid within five days and, instead, those amounts are due within ten days after receipt hereof.
Service of this notice may be accomplished via regular mail, certified mail, hand-delivery, process server, etc.; the five days to tender payment shall
commence after the first notice is received and shall not be extended if additional copies of this notice are subsequently received.


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