Employee Name (Please print) _______________________________ Employee # ___________
I am requesting to substitute one day of work for another day as a result of a personal obligation
Scheduled Day of the week __________________________
Date ____________________
Substituted Day of the week __________________________
Date ____________________
I will substitute the day within the same workweek as follows: (Fill in the date you are
scheduled to work and the substituted date you are going to work.)
I understand that:
1. Any substituted day I work will not be paid at an overtime rate;
2. A separate written request is required for each substituted scheduled workday. If an
employee knows in advance that he or she will be requesting substituted days to their
scheduled workday for a personal obligation that will recur at a fixed time over a
succession of weeks, the employee may request to substitute scheduled days for up to
four (4) weeks in advance; provided, however that the substituted day of work must be
performed in the same week that the scheduled day is lost.
3. My substituted work day request must be approved in writing before I change my
regularly scheduled worked day off;
4. If I take time off and I am unable to work the substituted day for any reason, the hours
missed will normally be unpaid;
5. If I work the substituted day before my regularly scheduled day that I plan to take off, I
must take that time off, even if I no longer need the time off for any reason;
6. USD does not encourage, discourage, or solicit the use of switching regularly scheduled
days of work.
Employee Signature_______________________________ Date Submitted _______________
Supervisor’s Signature _____________________________ Date _______________________
Supervisor’s Title _________________________________________
The employee will still enter their time worked in Kronos and payroll will make the adjustment
once the Substituted Work Day Request Form has been received. Any questions, please contact
the Payroll Department at extension 4818.
Please forward to the Payroll Department in Maher Hall 112 or fax (619) 260-2988 prior to the
end of the pay period.