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• Charitable lead annuity trust. This is a trust in which
• Deferred charitable gift annuity. This is an annuity in
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who
which payments to the donor do not begin until a future
each year pays a fixed dollar amount to the charity for a
date. Deferred charitable gift annuities are subject to
term of years or lifetime(s), with the remainder interest
the same requirements as charitable gift annuities. In
then transferring to private beneficiaries named by the
addition, the payment of the annuity has to begin within
the life expectancy of the annuitant or of the joint life
expectancies of multiple annuitants.
For the following two annuities to qualify for a charitable
deduction or the qualified endowment credit, these
• Charitable life estate agreement. This is a gift to
annuities have to be given to a charitable organization
a charity of a personal residence that is subject to a
that have met the following requirements at the time the
reserved life estate.
annuity is issued:
• Paid-up life insurance policy. This is a life insurance
• Have a minimum of $300,000 net worth or a minimum
policy in which all the premiums have been paid that
$100,000 in unrestricted cash, cash equivalent or
usually entitles the donor to a current deduction equal to
public traded securities;
the cost of replacing the policy with a single premium life
insurance policy at the donor’s current age.
• Have been in business for at least three years;
If I claim the qualified endowment credit, can I also take
• Have one-half of the outstanding annuity maintained
a charitable deduction for the amount of the gift?
in a separate annuity fund.
No. The amount of your contribution that is used to
If the above requirements are not met, the gift annuity
calculate your qualified endowment credit cannot also be
must be commercially insured by a licensed insurance
claimed as a charitable contribution on your Montana tax
company qualified to do business in Montana.
return. You can claim a charitable deduction for that portion
• Charitable gift annuity. This is the transfer of cash
of the contribution not used to calculate this credit.
or property to a charity in exchange for the charity’s
What happens if I recover my charitable gift this year?
promise to pay the donor and, if applicable, the surviving
annuitant, a lifetime annuity. This type of annuity is
If a charitable gift is recovered in the current year, you will
considered a bargain sale that results in part taxable
have to include as income the amount previously deducted,
gain and a charitable deduction. The annuity agreement
to the extent it reduced your individual income tax or
must provide that the interest of the annuitant(s) in
corporation license tax, and increase the amount of tax due
the gift annuity may not be assigned to the qualified
by the amount of the credit previously allowed.
endowment sooner than the earlier of the date of death
To learn more about the endowments state-wide, visit the
of the annuitant(s) or five years after the date of the
Governor’s Task Force on Endowed Philanthropy website
contribution. The charitable organization issuing the
annuity must also meet additional requirements imposed
Questions? Please call us toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in
in 33-20-701, MCA, that are administered by the
Helena, 444-6900).
Montana Commissioner of Insurance.


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