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Form QEC General Instructions
What is a qualified endowment?
contribution you make. If your contribution is a planned
gift, you may claim the 40% amount and if it is a direct
A qualified endowment means a permanent, irrevocable
contribution to a permanent endowment, you may claim
fund established for a specific charitable, religious,
the 20% amount. Any amount not used by an estate
educational, or eleemosynary (philanthropic) purpose that
can be attributed to each beneficiary of the estate in the
is held by:
same proportion used to report the beneficiary’s income
• A tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation formed under the
from the estate for Montana income tax purposes. The
laws of Montana, or
maximum credit for each beneficiary is $10,000.
• A bank or trust company holding an endowment fund on
Can unused credit be carried forward or carried back?
behalf of a Montana or foreign 501(c)(3) organization.
No. The credit can only be applied to the tax year in which
What is a “permanent irrevocable fund”?
the contribution is made.
This is a fund that is comprised of one or more assets
What types of planned gifts qualify for this credit?
that are invested for the production or growth of income,
The types of planned gifts that qualify for this credit are
the principal of which must be retained and the income
irrevocable contributions to a permanent endowment held
of which may be added to the principal or expended.
by or for a tax exempt organization when the contribution
Investment assets may include cash, securities, mutual
uses any of the following:
funds, or other investment assets. A “building fund” or other
fund that is used to accumulate contributions that will be
• Charitable remainder unitrust. This is a trust in which
expended is not a permanent irrevocable fund. A fund from
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who
which contributions are expended directly for constructing,
each year pays a fixed percent of the unitrust value,
renovating or purchasing operational assets, such as
revalued annually, to one or more private income
buildings or equipment, is not a permanent irrevocable
beneficiaries for the life of beneficiaries, a term of
years, or both, with the remainder interest in the trust
transferring to, or for the use of the charity, or retained by
Who is entitled to the qualified endowment credit and
the trust for the use of the charity. The trust agreement
how much is the credit?
must provide that the trust may not terminate and the
• Individuals. You are entitled to a credit against your
beneficiaries’ interest in the trust may not be assigned
tax liability equal to 40% of the present value of the
or contributed to the qualified endowment sooner than
charitable gift portion of a planned gift. Only contributions
the earlier of the date of death of the beneficiaries or five
in the form of a planned gift qualify for the credit.
years from the date of the contribution.
The maximum credit you may claim against your
• Charitable remainder annuity trust. This is a trust
individual income tax liability for all contributions you
in which property is transferred and invested by the
make is $10,000, whether you are single or married.
trustee who each year pays a fixed dollar amount to
• C corporations. If you a C corporation engaged in an
one or more private income beneficiaries for the life
active trade or business, you are entitled to a credit
of the beneficiaries, a term of years, or both, with the
equal to 20% of your charitable contributions to a
remainder interest in the trust then transferring to, or for
qualified endowment. Your contributions do not have to
the use of the charity, or retained by the trust for the use
be in the form of a planned gift.
of the charity. The trust agreement must provide that the
A C corporation’s credit cannot exceed the lower of its
trust may not terminate and the beneficiaries’ interest
corporation license tax liability or $10,000.
in the trust may not be assigned or contributed to the
qualified endowment sooner than the earlier of the date
• S corporations, partnerships and limited liability
of death of the beneficiaries or five years from the date
companies. If you are an S corporation, partnership,
of the contribution.
or limited liability company engaged in an active trade
or business, you are entitled to a credit equal to 20% of
• Pooled income fund trust. This is a trust in which
your charitable contributions to a qualified endowment.
property contributed by donors is pooled together with
Your contributions do not have to be in the form of a
other investors. All the assets transferred to the fund are
planned gift.
added together and invested. This pooled fund creates
a diversified portfolio in which all participants receive a
The credit for the contributions of an S corporation,
share of the earnings.
partnership, or limited liability company is attributed
to its shareholders, partners, or members in the same
• Charitable lead unitrust. This is a trust in which
proportion used to report the corporation’s, partnership’s
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who
or limited liability company’s income or loss for Montana
each year pays a fixed percentage of the unitrust value,
tax purposes; and the maximum credit that each
revalued annually, to the charity for a term of years
shareholder, partner, or member may claim against their
or during the lives of specified linear descendants,
tax liability is $10,000.
with the remainder interest then transferring to private
beneficiaries named by the donor.
• Estates. The credit you may claim, and unused amounts
your beneficiaries may claim, depend on the form of


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