Employment Application
(Classified Staff)
Position information
Job title
Recruitment number
Personal information
_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Home phone
_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Work phone
_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Mobile phone
Are you over the age of 18?
q Yes
q No
Are you a U.S. worker or able to produce documentation authorizing your employment in the U.S. without restrictions?
q Yes
q No
Have you ever worked for Western Oregon University before?
q Yes
q No
If "yes," list department(s) and dates worked: ______________________________________________________________
Please list the name and department of any relatives who work for WOU. (This response is considered for placement
purposes. WOU does not place relatives in positions which create supervisory/subordinate relationships):
Education information
Do you have the equivalent of a 12th grade education?
q Yes
q No
List enough education and training (college, nursing, trades, business, etc) to meet the requirements specified in the job
announcement. Under credits earned, be sure to indicate quarter, semester or clock hours.
Name and location: _________________________________________________________ Credits earned: ________________
Major: __________________________________________ Degree/certification earned: _______________________________
Name and location: _________________________________________________________ Credits earned: ________________
Major: __________________________________________ Degree/certification earned: _______________________________