Form Mv-145v - Application For Disabled Veteran, Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate Or Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Plate Decal Page 2

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Qualifying Vehicles
Plate Type
Service Connected Eligibility Requirements
“Reason Codes”
(1) A passenger vehicle or truck
(1) Parking permitted in spaces
(1) is blind.
with a registered gross weight
designed for disabled
Veteran Plate
(2) does not have full use of an arm or both arms.
of not more than 14,000 lbs.
persons and for 60 minutes
(3) cannot walk 200 feet without stopping to rest.
The vehicle must be used by a
in excess of legal parking
or Severely
(4) cannot walk without the use of, or assistance
person with disability or
period except where local
from, a brace, cane, crutch, another person,
operated exclusively for the
ordinances or police
prosthetic device, wheelchair or other
regulations provide for the
use and benefit of the person
assistive device.
with a disability.
accommodation of heavy
Plate Decal
(5) is restricted by lung disease to such an
traffic during morning,
(2) To qualify for one Severely
extent that the person’s forced (respiratory)
afternoon or evening hours.
Disabled Veteran registration
expiratory volume for one second, when
(2) Upon request of a severely
free or one Disabled Veteran
measured by spirometry, is less than one
registration for a $10
disabled veteran, local
liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less
authorities may erect on the
processing fee in lieu of
than 60 MM/HG on room air at rest.
registration fee, the qualifying
highway as close as possible
(6) uses portable oxygen.
to the person’s residence a
vehicle’s registered gross
(7) has a cardiac condition to the extent that the
weight must be 9,000 lbs.
sign(s) indicating that the
person’s functional limitations are classified
place is reserved for the
or less.
in severity as Class III or Class IV according
person with disability, that no
For motorcycles, a Severely
to the standards set by the American Heart
one else may park there
Disabled Veteran Decal is issued in
unless a person with
lieu of a special registration plate.
(8) is severely limited in his or her ability to walk
disability, severely disabled
This decal is placed on your
due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic
veteran plate or motorcycle
standard issued motorcycle plate.
plate decal is displayed and
NOTE: The Severely Disabled
(9) is a person in loco parentis of a person
that any unauthorized person
Veteran Plate is not available for
specified in paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5),
parking there will be subject
issuance to motorcycles. The
(6), (7) or (8) above; or,
to a fine.
Severely Disabled Veteran
(10) is the parent, including adoptive parent or
Motorcycle Plate Decal is for a
foster parent, of a child or adult child provided
motorcycle only.
that the person has custody, care or control of
the child or adult child and the child or adult
child satisfies paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5),
(6), (7) or (8); or,
(11) is the spouse of a person specified in
paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) or (8).
Loco Parentis: Any adult charged by law with
the natural parent's rights, duties and
responsibilities acting on behalf of a minor child
(under 18) in place of the child's natural parents.
In addition, a parent, including an adoptive or
foster parent who has custody, care or control
of the child or adult child or a spouse may sign
on behalf of the child, adult child or spouse
(applicant) provided the applicant meets
eligibility requirements (1) through (8).
Same as above.
Same as above.
No special benefits.
Veteran Plate
A Severely Disabled Veteran who has a 100% service-connected disability that is certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs Regional Office Administrator may have free registration for one qualifying vehicle listed above under Qualifying Vehicles,
number (2). NOTE: Full registration fees apply for vehicles greater than 9,000 lbs. or additional plates of the same type. (See
Section B on the front of this application.)
A Severely Disabled Veteran who is being paid at 100% as a result of unemployability due to their service-connected disability
may have free registration for one qualifying vehicle listed above under Qualifying Vehicles, number (2). NOTE: Full registration
fees apply
fees apply for vehicles greater than 9,000 lbs. or additional plates of the same type. (See Section B on the front of this
A Disabled Veteran who has lost a limb or an eye or who became partially paralyzed while serving in the Armed Forces of the
United States may have a $10 processing fee for one qualifying vehicle listed above under Qualifying Vehicles, number (2).
NOTE: Full registration fees apply for vehicles greater than 9,000 lbs. or additional plates of the same type. (See Section B on
the front of this application.)
NOTE: Should you need to renew your registration in conjunction with this application, you must complete Form MV-140 or your registration renewal
application and return it with this application along with your annual registration fee and the $11 replacement registration plate fee (if applicable).
If listing an out-of-state address you must also complete and attach Form MV-8.
This application may only be used by a vehicle owner or co-owner that qualifies for the type of registration plate or decal indicated on the front.
Two registration plates (with identical plate numbers) may be issued for vehicles equipped with a wheelchair/personal assistive device carrier on the
rear of the vehicle. One registration plate must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle and one registration plate must be affixed to the rear of the carrier
attached to the vehicle for which the registration plates are issued.
Send completed application to: Bureau of Motor Vehicles, 1101 S. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104-2516.


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