Template for Parental Consent Form (if under 18 years old)
(Please feel to adapt to your individual affiliated JHU program)
Dear Parent or Guardian:
In order for your child to participate in a Johns Hopkins University affiliated program, we need your
consent and involvement in helping your child have a productive and safe experience. Please carefully
read and sign this parental consent form. If you have any questions or would like further information,
please call JHU SOURCE at (410) 955-3880 or email source@jhsph.edu.
Name of child: ________________________________________ Birth Date: _____________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City/State _____________________________________________ Zip Code _____________________
School _______________________________________________ Grade ________________________
Student's Telephone No. _______________________________________________________________
Physician's Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Physician's Telephone No. _____________________________________________________________
Physician's Address: __________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Child_____________ _________________________________________________
Phone: Home___________________________ Work ____________________________________
In connection with and consideration of my child's (named above) participation in the ________ and
related activities, I, on behalf of my child and myself, my heir(s), personal representative(s) and assign(s),
hereby represent and agree as follows:
I understand that my child will be a participant in a JHU affiliated program and related activities, and
I hereby give permission for him/her to serve in that capacity at JHU.
I understand that my child will be provided with the orientation and training necessary, and as
needed, for the safe and responsible performance of the duties assigned. He/she will be expected to
meet all the requirements of the position, including regular attendance and adherence to JHU,
hospital, and department policies and procedures.
Should my child require emergency medical treatment, first aid, or transportation to a hospital or
medical facility as a result of illness or injury associated with my child's participation in the JHU
program or related activities, I consent to any such treatment, first aid and/or transportation that may
be provided to my child, and understand that JHU will not be responsible for any costs associated
with any of the foregoing.
I authorize the release of educational recommendations from my child's school to the JHU SOURCE
I understand that as a member of this JHU affiliated program and related activities, my child may
participate in physical activity. I represent and warrant that my child is in good physical condition,
and has no physical, health related or other problems which would preclude or restrict his/her
participation in this program or related activities or otherwise render his/her participation dangerous