Form Nyc-Fp Draft - Annual Report Of Fire Premiums Tax Upon Foreign And Alien Insurers - 2017 Page 4


INSTRUCTIONS - Form NYC-FP - Annual Report of Fire Premiums Tax Upon Foreign and Alien Insurers
page 2
or damage on real or personal property in the City of
New York, including any automobile and multiple
Enter on line 12, column C, the total of lines 8, 9, 10 and
peril policies which insure against loss or damage.
11, column C. Enter the amount of payment remitted
with this return on line A, in the space provided.
2. Enter on line 1 through line 6, column B, the per-
Payment must be made in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S.
centages of the net New York City premiums attrib-
bank. Make remittance payable to the order of:
utable to fire insurance and to be applied to column
A in order to arrive at the taxable premiums, line 1
through line 6, column C.
NOTE: All books and records, schedules and working
papers used in the preparation of the return must be
retained and made available for inspection upon demand
Enter on line 7, column C, the total taxable premiums
by the Department of Finance. A notice “Records
(the sum of line 1 through line 6, column C).
Required for Audit of Tax on Premiums on Policies of
Foreign and Alien Insurers” (Form FP-I) will be mailed
Enter on line 8, column C, the total tax due (2 % of line
upon request.
7, column C).
For further information, call 311. If calling from outside
of the five NYC boroughs, please call 212-NEW-YORK
If the tax is not paid on or before the due date (determined
without regard to any extension of time), interest must be
Preparer Authorization: If you want to allow the
paid on the amount of the underpayment from the due date
Department of Finance to discuss your return with the
to the date paid. For information as to the applicable rate
paid preparer who signed it, you must check the “yes”
of interest, call 311. If calling from outside of the five
box in the signature area of the return. This authorization
NYC boroughs, please call 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-
applies only to the individual whose signature appears in
9675). Interest amounting to less than $1 need not be paid.
the “Preparer’s Use Only” section of your return. It does
not apply to the firm, if any, shown in that section. By
a) If you fail to file a return when due, add to the tax
checking the “Yes” box, you are authorizing the
(less any payments made on or before the due date or
Department of Finance to call the preparer to answer any
any credits claimed on the return) 5% for each month
questions that may arise during the processing of your
or partial month the return is late, up to 25%, unless
return. Also, you are authorizing the preparer to:
the failure is due to reasonable cause.
Give the Department any information missing from
your return,
b) If the return is filed more than 60 days late, the min-
imum late filing penalty will not be less than the
Call the Department for information about the pro-
lesser of a) $100 or b) 100% of the amount required
cessing of your return or the status of your refund or
to be shown as tax due on the return (less any pay-
payment(s), and
ments or credits claimed).
Respond to certain notices that you have shared with
c) If you fail to pay the tax shown on the return by the
the preparer about math errors, offsets, and return
prescribed filing date, add to the tax (less any pay-
preparation. The notices will not be sent to the preparer.
ments made or any credits claimed on the return) 1/2%
for each month or partial month the payment is late up
You are not authorizing the preparer to receive any
to 25%, unless the failure is due to reasonable cause.
refund check, bind you to anything (including any addi-
tional tax liability), or otherwise represent you before the
d) The total of the additional charges in a) and c) may not
Department. The authorization cannot be revoked, how-
exceed 5% for any one month except as provided for in b).
ever, the authorization will automatically expire no later
than the due date (without regard to any extensions) for
If you claim not to be liable for these additional charges,
filing next year's return. Failure to check the box will
attach a statement to your return explaining the delay in
be deemed a denial of authority.
filing, payment or both.


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