Resale Certificate Form - Maine Revenue Services Page 3


" I HEREBY CERTIFY: That I am engaged in the business of ___________ and am not required
to register under the Sales and Use Tax Law; that the packaging materials which I shall purchase
from ________________ will be used by me to wrap or package tangible personal property upon
which I have performed the service of cleaning, pressing, dyeing, washing, repairing or
reconditioning in the regular course of business; and that such materials will in due course be
transferred to the possession of my customers.
Date ____________________ 19_______"
The foregoing certificate may be used as a blanket certificate to cover all subsequent
purchases of such materials.
In no case should a seller sell such materials free of tax unless the purchaser specifies in his
order, whether written or oral, that the materials are purchased for resale or as exempt
packaging materials.
Invoices of goods so sold must be appropriately marked or stamped to indicate that they are
exempt purchases. The words "Maine Sales Tax Exempt , for Resale" will satisfy this
.03 Misuse of Resale Certificate.
Purchases who avoid payment of tax through deliberate misuse of resale certificates will be
subject to prosecution.
BASIS: Establishes a procedure for making sales exempt from sales tax for reasons of resale, or
for reasons that the materials will be used for packaging materials pursuant to 36 M.R.S.A.,
Section 1752(11). The rule requires certification of such exempt sales.
AUTHORITY: 36 M.R.S.A., Sec. 1901
June 1, 1951
September 1, 1951
August 8, 1953
September 1, 1955
December 31, 1979
(Published under appropriation No. 01037-1065)


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