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iii. Being   a ble   t o   d iscuss   i t  
iv. Feeling   t hat   w e   h ave   i nput   i nto   i t  
v. Action   s teps   r e:   b udget  
6. Relationship   C heck-­‐in  
a. Our   s ense   o f   r elationship   c onnection   ( scale   1 -­‐10)  
b. Assess   t ime   t ogether   a s   a   c ouple   i n   t he   l ast   1 2   m onths  
c. Using   W heel:  
i. What   s teps   c an   b e   t aken   t o   i mprove   1 -­‐3   a reas   f or   e ach   p erson  
ii. Resources   n eeded?  
iii. Concrete   a ction   s teps?  
d. Sex   l ife  
i. Discuss   s atisfaction  
ii. How   d o   I   f eel   a bout   m y   b ody,   m y   s exuality?  
iii. Ideas   f or   f orward   m ovement?  
7. Family   C heck-­‐in  
a. Review   h ousehold   m anagement   ( communal   c hores   a nd   j ob   d ivision)  
i. Action   s teps   t o   i mprove   ( chore   c harts,   h ow   t o   h elp   e ach   o ther,   e tc)  
ii. How   d o   w e   f eel   a bout   d iscipline   a pproach?     S teps   t o   i mprove?  
b. Overview   o f   e ach   c hild  
i. Sense   o f   s trengths   a nd   n eeds?  
ii. Are   w e   o n   t he   “ same   p age”?  
c. Family   g oals   f or   t he   n ext   1 2   m onths?   ( trips,   a ctivities,   t ime   t ogether,   e tc)  
d. Celebrate   a ccomplishments  
8. Legal:  
a. Check   i n   o n   w ills/estate   p lanning  
b. Assess   L ife   I nsurance   n eeds  
c. Assess   c urrent   “ worst   c ase”   f or   c hildcare  
d. Other?  
9. Winding   u p  
a. Check-­‐in  
i. My   s ense   o f   h ow   t hings   w ent  
ii. Did   I   f eel   h eard?  
iii. Do   w e   n eed   o utside   h elp?     I n   w hat   a reas?  
1. Mentoring   c ouples,   s piritual   a ssistance,   c ounseling,   f inancial  
planners,   s upport   o r   g rowth   g roup?  
b. Summarize   p ost-­‐retreat   a ction   s teps  
c. Plan   f or   4   w eek   c heck-­‐in.  
d. Plan   f or   n ext   y ear’s   r etreat  
10. Finish   w ith   r ecreation,   s omething   r elaxing   a nd   f un.     G oal   i s   t o   c elebrate   t hat   y ou   t ook  
the   t ime   t o   d o   t his.  


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