Form Ct-706/709 Ext Draft - Application For Estate And Gift Tax Return Filing Extension And For Estate Tax Payment Extension - 2015 Page 2


Form CT-706/709 EXT Instructions
How to Request an Extension of Time to File a Gift
Complete this application in blue or black ink only.
Tax Return
Complete and check the boxes applicable to your request. You
To request a fi ling extension, you must:
will be notifi ed only if your extension request is denied.
Complete Form CT-706/709 EXT, Section 1;
When to File
Sign the Declaration;
Form CT-706/709 EXT, Application for Estate and Gift Tax Return
Pay the amount shown on Line 1; and
Filing Extension and for Estate Tax Payment Extension, must be
completed and fi led on or before the original due date of Form
File the completed Form CT-706/709 EXT on or before the
CT-706/709, Connecticut Estate and Gift Tax Return. If the due
due date of Form CT-706/709.
date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
return will
You will be notifi ed only if your extension request is denied.
be considered timely if fi led by the next business
Form CT-706/709 EXT only extends the time to file your
Where to File
Connecticut estate and gift tax return; it does not extend the
Mail this form and payment (if required) to:
time to pay your gift tax.
Department of Revenue Services
Gift Tax Extension Due Date
State of Connecticut
This extension request is due on or before the original due date
PO Box 2978
for fi ling Form CT-706/709. Form CT-706/709 is due on April 15 of
Hartford CT 06104-2978
the year following the calendar year in which the gifts were made.
Mail a copy of this form to the probate court for the district in which
the decedent was domiciled. If the decedent was not domiciled
Section 2 - Estate Tax Extension Request
in Connecticut, mail a copy of this form to the probate court for
Complete this section to request a nine-month extension of time
the district in which Connecticut property is located.
to fi le Form CT-706/709, to request a six-month extension of time
Keep a copy of this form for your records.
to pay the Connecticut estate tax, or both. This extension request
is due on or before the due date for fi ling Form CT-706/709. The
Payment Information
due date for fi ling Form CT-706/709 is the date six months after
Make check payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services. To
the decedent’s date of death.
ensure payment is applied to your account, write
CT-706/709 EXT” and the donor’s or the decedent’s Social
If federal Form 4768 has been fi led, attach a copy to this form. It will
Security Number (SSN), optional, on the front of the check. Be
not be necessary to include a reason for requesting an extension
sure to sign the check and paper clip it to the front of your return.
of time to fi le. However, a request for an extension of time to pay
Do not send cash. The Department of Revenue Services (DRS)
must include the fi duciary’s written statement of reasonable cause.
may submit your check to your bank electronically.
If federal Form 4768 has not been fi led, you may apply for a
Interest and Penalty
nine-month extension of time to fi le, a six-month extension of time
to pay, or both, but you must attach a statement of reasonable
Failure to fi le your return or failure to pay the proper amount of
tax due will result in penalty and interest charges. It is to your
advantage to fi le your return when it is due whether or not you
How to Request an Extension of Time to File the Estate
are able to make full payment.
Tax Return or an Extension of Time to Pay the Estate
Tax, or Both
Penalty for Late Payment or Late Filing
The penalty for underpayment of the tax is 10% of the tax not
Complete Form CT-706/709 EXT, Section 2;
paid on or before the original due date of the return.
Enter the decedent’s date of death;
The Commissioner of Revenue Services may impose a $50
Sign the Declaration;
penalty for failure to fi le any return or report that is required by
Pay the amount on Line 2 (if applicable);
law to be fi led.
If applicable, attach to the extension request, the fi duciary’s
written statement of reasonable cause together with
Section 1 - Gift Tax Extension Request
accompanying documentation as required, explaining in
detail why it is impossible or impractical to pay the full amount
Complete this section to request a six-month extension to fi le
of the estate tax on or before the due date; and
Form CT-706/709.
File the completed Form CT-706/709 EXT and attachment,
If you have already fi led federal Form 8892, it is not necessary
if applicable, on or before the due date of Form CT-706/709.
to include a reason for the Connecticut extension request. If
federal Form 8892 was not fi led, the donor may apply for a
You will be notifi ed only if your extension request is denied.
six-month extension to fi le Form CT-706/709 provided there is
Reasonable cause will be determined in accordance with
reasonable cause.
Treasury Regulation §20.6161-1(a)(1) and (2)(ii). The fi duciary’s
statement of reasonable cause must be accompanied by
documentary evidence suffi cient to enable DRS to grant the
Who Must Sign
The executor or administrator of the estate must sign and fi le
Form CT-706/709 EXT. If there is more than one fi duciary, all
must sign the application.
CT-706/709 EXT Back (Rev. 04/15)
P:\Special\AFP\PROD\FORMS\15\CT\CT-706 709 EXT\CT-706-709 EXT 20150409.indd
Last Modifi ed 201549 11:25 AM


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