Condition Removal Notification Form

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OKlaHOma REal EStatE COmmiSSiOn
This is a legally binding Contract if not understood seek advice from an attorney
Condition Removal notifiCation
demand fRom SelleR to Remove Condition
To: __________________________________________________________________________________________, Buyer:
In accordance with the Oklahoma Uniform Contract of Sale of Real Estate between the Buyer and the undersigned Seller
(the “Contract”) as modified by the Sale of Buyer’s Property Condition (NOT Under Contract) attached thereto, you are hereby
notified that Seller has accepted a written offer conditioned upon your right to remove the Termination Condition set forth.
You have until _____________ (time) on _________________, 20 _______ (date) to remove the Termination Condition. In
the event of your failure to remove the Termination Condition within the time period specified, the Contract shall automatically
terminate and your Earnest Money shall be disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
Dated ___________________________________, 20 ______
Seller’s Signature___________________________________ Seller’s Signature __________________________________
Receipt acknowledged at ________________ (Time) on the ______________ day of ___________________, 20________.
Buyer’s Broker Signature _____________________________
Buyer’s Signature __________________________________ Buyer’s Signature __________________________________
notiCe of Removal of Condition fRom BUYeR
To: _________________________________________________________________________________________, Seller:
The undersigned Buyer hereby removes the Termination Condition created by and expressed in the Contract, as indicated
Attached to this Notice of Removal of Condition is the following (check one):
a) A copy of a contract to close the sale of Buyer’s Property on or before the Closing Date in this Contract subject to no
conditions other than inspections, title, survey (or mortgage inspection certificate) or financing;
b) A copy of verification from a financial institution or other lender of the availability of sufficient funds, or a written
statement of conditional loan approval not requiring the sale of Buyer’s Property.
Dated ___________________________________, 20 ______
Buyer’s Signature __________________________________ Buyer’s Signature __________________________________
Receipt acknowledged at ________________ (Time) on the ______________ day of ___________________, 20________.
Seller’s Broker Signature _____________________________
Seller’s Signature___________________________________ Seller’s Signature __________________________________
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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OREC COnditiOn REmOval nOtifiCatiOn (11-2011)


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