Confidential Client Questionnaire Form Page 2


Alternate Contact Information:
Name of Contact Person if we cannot reach you: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________ County: __________________________
City: ______________________________ State: _________________ Zip: _____________
Phone Numbers: Home ________________________________ Cell _____________________________________
Work _____________________________ Relationship to You: ____________________________________
Your Employment Information:
Current Employer:_______________________________________________________________________________
Employer’s Address ________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State _________________ Zip ______________
How long have you worked for this employer? ________________________________________________________
Gross Pay: $________________________ (Circle one:
Weekly / Bi-Weekly / Monthly)
What kind of work do you do? _____________________________________________________________________
How many people do you support with your income? ____________ # of adults _______________ # of children
List any professional or occupational licenses you have (e.g. plumbing license, CDL license): ___________________
Your Current Charges:
Charge(s) filed against you: _______________________________________________________________________
Court in which the charge(s) is/are filed: _____________________________________________________________
Yes □ No □
If yes, on what date were you arrested? ______________________
Were you arrested in this case?
Did you post a bond in this case? Yes □ No □
If yes, on what date did you post the bond? ____________________
How much bond did you post? ______________________________ Was you bond: Cash □ Surety □
Your Criminal Record:
Whether you have a record, the kind of prior convictions, their date, and the type of offense can affect your sentence,
if you are convicted now. Your record can also affect the outcome of this case. A criminal conviction may have
occurred any time that you went to court and were fined, placed on probation, or sentenced to jail. The State has
access to your entire criminal record and it is important that I have that information as well so I am able to represent
you to the best of my ability.
Have you ever been charged or convicted, as a juvenile or adult, with a crime other than the current charge(s)?
Yes □ No □
If you have been charged or convicted of a crime before, please list every charge or conviction you have ever had, the
date of the charge or conviction and the court in which you were charged or convicted. Please include convictions in
other counties and states. Please include any juvenile cases, but mark them as juvenile offenses. Also include any
case which resulted in you participating in a deferral or diversion program, even if you successfully completed the
program or probation and the crime does not appear on your record.


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