Form 207 - Insurance Premium Tax Return For Domestic Companies Page 2

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If you claim a credit on Line 6 for Connecticut Business
Tax paid: A copy of page 12 from the Annual Report of the
Each domestic insurance company authorized to do business
Connecticut Insurance Department (the Analysis of Assets page)
in Connecticut must file Form 207.
must accompany this return.
If you claim a credit on line 7 for the Insurance Department
Assessment: A copy of page 12 of the Annual Report to the
A return for the calendar year ending December 31 must be filed
Connecticut Insurance Department (the Analysis of Assets page)
not later than March 1 of the following year.
and a copy of the Insurance Assessment must be filed with this
For an extension of time to file your annual return, you must file
If you claim a Neighborhood Assistance Act Credit: A copy
Form 207/207F EXT, Application for Extension of Time to File
of documentation from the Department of Revenue Services
Insurance Premium Tax Return , by March 1.
approving the proposal and stating the maximum credit allowable
must accompany this return.
If you claim an Employer-Assisted Housing Credit: A copy
All companies whose expected liability is $1000 or more must
of documentation from the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority
pay estimated tax. Refer to general instructions on Forms 207
(CHFA) approving said credit must accompany this return.
ESA, ESB, ESC, ESD, Estimated Premium Tax Returns.
If you claim a Housing Program Contribution Credit: A copy
of the tax credit voucher issued by the CHFA must accompany
Compute any interest due on the underpayment of the estimated
this return.
tax on Form 207 I, Underpayment of Estimated Tax.
If you claim a Child Day Care Credit Carryforward: Proof of
the approved credit by the Commissioner of Social Services must
accompany this return.
Late Payment Penalty: The penalty for late payment is 10% of
If you claim an Electronic Data Processing Equipment
the tax due or $50, whichever is greater.
Property Tax Credit: In addition to attaching a copy of Form
Late Filing Penalty: If no tax is due, the Commissioner of
CT-1120K, attach Form CT-1120 EDPC, Form M-15 and the
Revenue Services may impose a $50 penalty for failure to file
applicable property tax bill. Note: The allowable Electronic Data
any return that is required by law to be filed.
Processing Equipment Property Tax Credit must first be applied
A return must be filed even if no additional tax is due.
against Connecticut Corporation Business Tax. The remaining
credit may be applied hereto.
If interest is reported on Line 22: A copy of Form 207 I must
Interest accrues at the rate of 1% (.01) per month or fraction thereof
be attached to this return.
from the original due date of the return through the date of
payment. Interest due on the underpayment of estimated tax is
computed using Form 207I, Underpayment of Estimated Tax.
For information about Connecticut business tax credits, see the
Department of Revenue Services publication IP 95 (2.1), Guide
Any person willfully filing a tax return known by that person to
to Connecticut Corporation Business Tax Credits . If you need
be fraudulent or false in any material matter may be fined up
this publication, additional forms or supporting schedules, visit
to $5000 or imprisoned between one and five years, or both.
our Web site at , or call 1-800-382-9463
(in-state) or 860-297-4753 (Voice Mail available 24 hours).
If credit is taken on Line 5 for the Connecticut Life and Health
Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment, a copy of the
Mail to: Department of Revenue Services
assessment and cancelled check showing the payment made
PO Box 2990
during the calendar year must accompany this return.
Hartford CT 06104-2990
I declare under the penalties of false statement that I have examined this application and to the best of my knowledge and belief
it is true, complete and correct. Declaration of preparer (other than the taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
Signature of Principal Officer
Telephone Number
Paid Preparer’s Signature
Keep a copy
of this return
Firm Name and Address
Federal Employer Identification Number
for your
Form 207 Back (Rev. 12/98)


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