Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess Waiver Form

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Travel Insurance Claim Form
Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess Waiver
You must register any claim within 30 days of completion of your travel. Please supply original documents of the evidence you intend to rely on for
your claim, and send by registered post to ensure delivery.
Claimant Details
Claim Reference
(if known)
Title (Mr / Mrs etc)
First Name
Date of Birth
Home Address
Home Phone
Work Phone
Policy Details
Policy Number
Date Issued
Number of Travellers
Independent Travel Arrangements:
If no, provide the following*:
*Travel Agent and Branch
*Tour Operator
Date of Booking
Departure Date
Return Date
Total Days
Resort / Town
Company Limited in its absolute discretion considers relevant for its assessment of initial or
ongoing benefits for my claim including, without limitation:
I will use my best endeavours and render all reasonable assistance and co-operation to
Auto & General Insurance Company Limited in the assessment of my claim:
a ll medical, surgical or other information concerning myself, my medical history, any treatment
received by me and any medication taken or prescribed for me (at any time);
T he information supplied by me is true and correct and I have not withheld any
information likely to affect the assessment of my claim;
m y Health Insurance claims history, including Medicare;
I understand that the claim may be denied if the information supplied is untrue, or I
a ny information in relation to my assets, liabilities, earnings, salary or wages (at any time);
have not revealed all relevant facts;
a ny information from third persons who may have information relevant to my eligibility to
I understand that by investigating my claim or by accepting proofs of my claim, Auto &
receive benefit, or my entitlement to receive an ongoing benefit.
General Insurance Company Limited has made no acceptance of liability, nor waived
Privacy Statement
any of its rights in defence of any claim arising under the policy;
The personal and sensitive information collected in this form, and other information you or third
A photocopy of this Authorisation shall be considered as effective and valid as the
parties provide in connection with this claim will be held, used and disclosed by us to process
original and I specifically authorise its use as such.
this claim, compile and analyse data, and resolve claim disputes.
I appoint Auto & General Insurance Company Limited to do everything necessary or
We may have to disclose your personal and other information to third parties who assist us in
expedient to:
assessing and processing this claim, including other insurers, health providers, investigators, our
g ive effect to the transactions contemplated by the authorisations described; and
specialist advisors, service providers, or as required by law. Your personal information may also be
e xecute and deliver any other documents or do any other acts referred to in the
disclosed to third parties in the countries and regions nominated under your policy, or any other
transactions described.
regions where you may require assistance. For further information please see our privacy policy
I authorise any person, corporation, institution, private or government organisation,
or email us at .au.
whether named by me or not, to provide such information as Auto & General Insurance
If you wish to give authority for another person to act on your behalf in respect to this claim you must complete the following details (otherwise we will not
be able to give any information about your claim to any other person).
I / We, authorise (Name)
of (Address)
Date of Birth
I have read and fully understand the declarations above (ALL persons claiming must sign)
Claimant’s Name
Date of Birth
Claimant’s Name
Date of Birth
Please return this claim form to:
Budget Direct Travel Insurance, Locked Bag 3038


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