Form Ct-4804 - Instructions Page 2


Form CT-4804
Instructions (continued)
Instructions for Preparing an External CD Label:
No. of Payers: Enter the number of payers (A Records) on
Prepare a label similar to the one shown below to identify each CD
the fi le.
being submitted to DRS. Include the following information:
No. of Payees: Enter the number of payees (B Records) on
Type of Filing: Indicate if the fi le is original or replacement.
the fi le.
Calendar Year: Enter the calendar year for which the fi le is
Record Length: The only acceptable record length is 750.
prepared. Only one year may be reported per fi le.
Volume: For multiple volume fi le, enter the sequence of
Transmitter Name: Enter the name of the organization
each and the total number of CDs for the fi le. (For example,
transmitting this fi le. The entry should be the same organization
Volume 1 of a two volume fi le would indicate Vol. 1 of 2;
recorded on the Transmitter Record (T Record) of this fi le.
Volume 2 would indicate Vol. 2 of 2.)
FEIN: Enter the nine-digit Federal Employer Identifi cation
Contact Information: Enter the name and telephone number
Number (FEIN) of the organization transmitting the fi le. The
of the person to contact about this fi ling.
FEIN on the label should be the same as the FEIN recorded
on the Transmitter Record (T Record) of the fi le.
1099’s and W-2G CD Label
2. Calendar Year
1. Type of Filing
3. Transmitter Name
5. No. of Payers
6. No. of Payees
7. Return Type
8. Volume
Vol. _____ of _____
9. Contact Name
Contact Telephone Number
File – A fi le consists of one Transmitter T Record at the beginning
ASCII: American Standard Code information Interchange –One
of the fi le followed by Payer A Record, Payee B Records, and an
of the acceptable character sets used for electronic processing of
end of Payer C Record after each set of B Records. The last record
on the fi le should be the End of Transmission F Record. Nothing
Block – A number of logical records grouped and written together
should be reported after the End of the Transmission F Record.
as a single unit on a CD.
Filer – Person (may be payer or transmitter) submitting information
Byte – A computer unit of measurement, one byte contains eight
to DRS.
bits and can store one character.
Filing Year – The calendar year during which the informational
Calendar Year – Generally, the year in which payments were made
returns are submitted to DRS.
by a payer to a payee.
Payee – Person or organization receiving payments from the payer
Character – A letter, number, or punctuation symbol.
or for whom an informational return must be fi led. The payee includes
Character Set – A group of unique electronic defi nitions for all
a gambling winner or a seller or other transferor.
letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols.
Payer – Includes the person or institution making payments or a
Compress – Reformat computer data in a storage or size-saving
person reporting a real estate transaction. The payer will be held
responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and timely submission
DRS – State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services.
of fi les submitted to DRS.
FEIN: Federal Employer Identifi cation Number – A nine-digit
Transmitter – Any person or organization submitting an electronic
or CD fi le to DRS.
number assigned by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) to an
organization for federal tax reporting purposes.
Form CT- 4804 (Rev. 09/08)
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