Continuing Lease Guarantee Form

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CONTINUING GUARANTEE OF ________________________________________________(Guarantor)
FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and as an
inducement to LANDLORD, to make and enter into the Lease Agreement, herein described as “the LEASE”, the undersigned
Guarantor(s), herein described as “the GUARANTOR(S)”, and each of them, under this continuing guarantee do hereby
performed by each TENANT under the terms of the LEASE described below, including, without limitation, the payment of
rent and late charges, arising out of the Lease, or otherwise, in any form whatsoever, which is owed by the TENANT(S) to
the LANDLORD under the LEASE term, including all extensions and renewals after the expiration of the LEASE term,
whereby this Continuing Guarantee of the lease, extensions, and renewal tenancy shall terminate upon the expiration thereof.
All such obligations of TENANT to LANDLORD, whether arising under the Lease of otherwise, shall be referred to herein
as ‘TENANT(S) obligations.”
The Lease is described as follows:
LEASE TERM: FROM_________________________________ TO______________________________
DATE OF LEASE: _________________. The undersigned agree(s) that at any time and from time to time,
LANDLORD and TENANT(S) OR Co-TENANT(S) may without notice to or consent of the
Alter, amend and change any of the provisions and conditions of said Lease;
Take and hold security for all or part of the TENANT(S) obligations and release, surrender, increase,
substitute, or otherwise alter the security given for any of the TENANT(S) Obligations;
Renew, compromise, accelerate, extend, convert Lease to a month-to-month tenancy or otherwise
change the terms of any of the TENANT(S) Obligations. The undersigned hereby waives, for itself,
and for all other persons and entities:
Demand and protest;
All right to assert or plead at any time any statute of limitations relating to this Continuing
Guarantee or any of the TENANT(S) Obligations; and
Any of right to require the LANDLORD to proceed against TENANT(S) or against any
other person, or to apply any security it may hold, or to pursue any other remedy. It is
specifically understood that the obligations of the undersigned are separate and distinct from,
and independent of, the obligations of the TENANT(S) with respect to the TENANT’S
Obligations. The undersigned do(es) hereby nominate, constitute and appoint TENANT(S)
under said Lease as the undersigned’s agent, with irrevocable authority in said agent(s), to
amend, modify, supplement and in any way alter said Lease; such act on the part of such
agent(s), and each of them being binding upon the undersigned as the GUARANTOR(S)
This CONTINUING GUARANTEE shall insure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of LANDLORD, and shall be
binding on the heirs, successors and assigns of GUARANTOR(S).
In the event any action of proceeding is brought to enforce the terms of this CONTINUING GURANTEE, LANDLORD or
its successors or assigns shall be entitled to reasonable collection and enforcement costs, and attorneys’ fees, plus interest
thereon and on all of TENANT(S) Obligation guaranteed herein, at the maximum legal rate whether an actual lawsuit for the
recovery of the same is filed or not. GUARANTOR(S) consent to such action, if applicable, being brought in the Superior
Court for Los Angeles county, California and California law shall govern any such action. GUARANTOR(S) accept(s)full
responsibility for keeping informed of TENANT(S)’ financial condition and of all other circumstances bearing upon the risk
of nonpayment of TENANTS Obligations, which diligent inquiry would reveal, and waives any right GURANTOR(S) may
have to be informed thereof by LANDLORD.
Signature: __________________________ Date: _______
Print Name
Address: ___________________________________
Social Sec.# ____________________, DL # ____________
Telephone: _________________________


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