Instructions For Form 2220-Underpayment Of Estimated Tax By Corporations - 2013 Page 3


under section 6621. The period of underpayment runs from
The base period percentage for any period of 6 consecutive
the installment due date to the earlier of the date the
months is the average of the 3 percentages figured by
underpayment is actually paid or the 15th day of the third
dividing the taxable income for the corresponding
month after the close of the tax year. For information on
6-consecutive-month period in each of the 3 preceding tax
obtaining the interest rate on underpayments, see the
years by the total taxable income for each of the 3 preceding
footnote on page 2 of Form 2220.
tax years, respectively. Figure the base period percentage
using the 6-month period in which the corporation normally
Line 19. A payment of estimated tax is applied against
receives the largest part of its taxable income.
unpaid required installments in the order in which
Example. An amusement park with a 2013 calendar tax
installments are required to be paid, regardless of the
year receives the largest part of its taxable income during the
installment to which the payment pertains.
6-month period from May through October. To compute its
Example. A corporation with a calendar tax year
base period percentage for this 6-month period in 2013, the
underpaid the April 15 installment by $1,000. The June 15
amusement park figures its taxable income for each May–
installment requires a payment of $2,500. On June 10, the
October period in 2010, 2011, and 2012. It then divides the
corporation deposits $2,500 to cover the June 15 installment.
taxable income for each May–October period by the total
However, $1,000 of this payment is applied against the April
taxable income for that particular tax year. The resulting
15 installment. The penalty for the April 15 installment is
percentages are: 69% (.69) for May–October 2010, 74%
figured from April 15 to June 10 (56 days). The remaining
(.74) for May–October 2011, and 67% (.67) for May–October
$1,500 is applied to the June 15 installment.
2012. Because the average of 69%, 74%, and 67% is 70%,
If the corporation has made more than one payment for a
the base period percentage for May–October 2013 is 70%.
required installment, attach a separate computation for each
Therefore, the amusement park qualifies for the adjusted
seasonal installment method.
Schedule A
Line 2. If the corporation has certain extraordinary items,
special rules apply. Do not include on line 2 the de minimis
Extraordinary items. Generally, under the annualized
items that the corporation chooses to include on line 9b. See
income installment method, extraordinary items must be
Extraordinary items earlier.
taken into account after annualizing the taxable income for
Line 9b. If the corporation has extraordinary items of
the annualization period. Similar rules apply in determining
$1,000,000 or more, a net operating loss deduction, or a
taxable income under the adjusted seasonal installment
section 481(a) adjustment, special rules apply. Include these
method. An extraordinary item includes:
amounts on line 9b for the appropriate period. Also include
Any item identified in Regulations section
on line 9b the de minimis items that the corporation chooses
1.1502-76(b)(2)(ii)(C)(1), (2),(3),(4), (7) and (8);
to exclude from line 2. See Extraordinary items earlier.
A net operating loss carryover;
A section 481(a) adjustment; and
Line 15. Compute the alternative minimum tax (AMT) on
Net gain or loss from the disposition of 25% or more of the
Form 4626, Alternative Minimum Tax-Corporations, if
fair market value of the corporation's business assets during
applicable. Figure alternative minimum taxable income
the tax year.
(AMTI) based on the corporation's income and deductions
for the months shown in the column headings directly above
These extraordinary items must be accounted for, in the
line 1. For each column, divide the AMTI by the amount
appropriate annualization period. However, a net operating
shown on line 8 before subtracting the AMT exemption
loss deduction and a section 481(a) adjustment (unless the
amount under section 55(d). Enter on line 15, column (d), the
corporation makes the alternative choice under Regulations
AMT determined for column (d). For columns (a) through (c)
section 1.6655-2(f)(3)(ii)(C)) are treated as extraordinary
only, first multiply the AMT determined by the amounts
items occurring on the first day of the tax year in which the
shown in columns (a) through (c) of line 13 and then enter on
item is taken into account in determining taxable income.
line 15 the result for each column.
De minimis rule. Extraordinary items identified above
that are less than $1,000,000 (other than a net operating loss
Line 16. Enter on line 16 any other taxes the corporation
carryover or a section 481(a) adjustment) may be annualized
owed for the months shown in each column heading directly
using the general rules of Regulations section 1.6655-2(f), or,
above line 1. Include the same taxes used to figure Part I,
if the corporation chooses, may be taken into account after
line 1 of Form 2220, but do not include the personal holding
annualizing the taxable income for the annualization period.
company tax and interest due under the look-back method of
section 460(b)(2) for completed long-term contracts or
In Part II of Schedule A, make the appropriate adjustments
section 167(g)(2) for property depreciated under the income
to annualized taxable income before figuring the estimated
forecast method.
tax for each reporting period. Similar adjustments must be
made, if applicable, to Part I of Schedule A, if the adjusted
Line 18. Enter the credits the corporation is entitled to for
seasonal installment method applies. See the instructions for
the months shown in each column heading above line 1.
lines 2, 9b, 21, and 23b.
Enter the same type of credits that are allowed on Form
For more information regarding extraordinary items, see
2220, page 1, lines 1 and 2c.
Regulations section 1.6655-2(f)(3)(ii) and the examples in
Part II. Annualized Income Installment Method
Regulations section 1.6655-2(f)(3)(vii).
Line 20. Annualization periods. Enter on line 20, columns
Part I. Adjusted Seasonal Installment Method
(a) through (d), respectively, the annualization periods for the
The corporation can use the adjusted seasonal installment
option shown in the tables below. For example, if the
method only if the corporation's base period percentage for
corporation elected Option 1, enter on line 20 the
any 6 consecutive months of the tax year is 70% or more.
Instructions for Form 2220 (2013)


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