Form Cr-Sah - Application For Special Agricultural Homestead Page 2

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Please answer the following questions.
1. I own the agricultural property listed.
2. I am a Minnesota resident.
3. I do not claim another agricultural homestead in Minnesota and neither does my spouse.
4. I live within four townships or cities from the agricultural property listed.
If you answered NO to question #4 and you or your spouse are actively farming the property but are required to live in employer-
provided housing, which is more than four townships or cities away from the property, then you may still be eligible. You must
provide an affidavit and proof from the employer indicating that such a housing arrangement is a requirement of employment.
Please enter the following information for the agricultural property that you own and for which you are requesting a
Special Agricultural Homestead.
Parcel Identification Number
List all uses of land
Enrolled in CRP,
(located on tax statement)
of Acres
(indicate which one
and number of acres)
List any additional parcels on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this application.
I certify that I own the property listed and all the information is correct.
Signature of Spouse
Filing Requirements
Making False Statements
attorney verifying that you have filed a
form can be substituted for the form.
• If the property is owned by an authorized
on this Application is
• If there is new or additional agricultural
entity (family farm corporation, joint
Against the Law
property that the entity owns and for
family farm venture, family farm limited
which a Special Agricultural Homestead
Anyone giving false information in order
liability company, or a partnership which
to avoid or reduce their tax obligations
is requested, then the form “Applica-
is operating a family farm), then fill out
tion for Special Agricultural Homestead
is subject to a fine of up to $3,000 and/
the “Application for Special Agricultural
or up to one year in prison. (Minnesota
– Property Owned by an Authorized
Homestead – Property Owned by an
Statutes 609.41) The property owner may
Entity” must be completed.
Authorized Entity” and not this form.
be required to pay all tax that is due on
• The person actively farming the property
If Ownership, Occupancy,
the property based on its correct property
must fill out and sign.
or Active Farmer Status
class, plus a penalty equal to the same
• The owner of the property must fill out
amount. (Minnesota Statutes 273.124,
and sign the application. If the owner of
subdivision 13)
the property is also the person actively
If this property is sold, or if occupancy
farming it, then they must fill out all sec-
Use of Information
or active farmer status changes, or if
tions and sign both sides of the applica-
you change your marital status, state law
The information on this form is required
requires you to notify the County Asses-
by Minnesota Statutes, section 273.124 to
• This form must be completed, signed
sor within 30 days. If you fail to notify the
properly identify you and determine if you
and filed by December 15 of the current
County Assessor within 30 days, the proper-
qualify for this property tax classification.
assessment year with each county in
ty can be assessed the tax that is due on the
Your Social Security number is required.
which a Special Agricultural Homestead
property based on its correct property class
If you do not provide the required infor-
classification is requested. You must apply
plus a penalty equal to the same amount.
mation, your application may be delayed
every year for this classification.
or denied. Your County Assessor may also
• Attach a copy of your Federal 156 EZ
ask for additional verification of qualifi-
form from the FSA to this application.
cations. Your Social Security number is
An affidavit from your tax preparer or
considered private data.
* CRP = Conservation Reserve Program
CREP = Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
RIM = Reinvest in Minnesota
Please return completed form to: Todd County Assessor's Office 215 1st Ave S, Suite #202 Long Prairie, MN 56347


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