Instructions For Form 926 Page 3


Regulations section 1.367(a)-1T(c)(3)(ii)
corporation for purposes of Form 926
Line 8. See section 957(a) to
(C) apply.
determine whether the corporation is a
There are some situations that
controlled foreign corporation
Part II—Transferee
warrant correlation of a new reference
immediately after the transfer.
Foreign Corporation
ID number with a previous reference ID
Part III—Information
number when assigning a new
reference ID number to a transferee
Regarding Transfer of
Reference ID number. A reference ID
foreign corporation. For example:
number is required on line 4b only in
In the case of a merger or acquisition,
cases where no EIN was entered on
a Form 926 filer must use a reference ID
Column (a). Date of transfer. Enter
line 4a for the transferee foreign
number which correlates the previous
the first date on which title to,
corporation. However, filers are
reference ID number with the new
possession of, or rights to the use of the
permitted to enter both an EIN and a
reference ID number assigned to the
property passed for U.S. income tax
reference ID number. If applicable, enter
transferee foreign corporation.
purposes. See Temporary Regulations
on line 4b the reference ID number
In the case of an entity classification
section 1.6038B-1T(b)(4) for additional
(defined below) you have assigned to
election that is made on behalf of a
the transferee foreign corporation.
transferee foreign corporation on Form
Column (b). Description of property.
8832, Regulations section
A “reference ID number” is a number
Provide a description of the property
301.6109-1(b)(2)(v) requires the
established by or on behalf of the U.S.
transferred. With respect to section
transferee foreign corporation to have
transferor identified at the top of page 1
6038B(a)(1)(A) transfers, see
an EIN for this election. For the first year
of the form that is assigned to the
Temporary Regulations section
that Form 926 is filed after an entity
transferee foreign corporation with
1.6038B-1T(c)(4) for specific
classification election is made on behalf
respect to which Form 926 reporting is
information that must be reported in
of the transferee foreign corporation on
required. These numbers are used to
column (b) (or, if necessary, under the
Form 8832, the new EIN must be
uniquely identify the transferee foreign
Supplemental Information Required To
entered on line 4a and the old reference
corporation in order to keep track of the
Be Reported section or on attached
ID number must be entered on line 4b.
entity from tax year to tax year. The
sheets). With respect to section 367(d)
In subsequent years, the Form 926 filer
reference ID number must meet the
transfers, see Temporary Regulations
may continue to enter both the EIN and
requirements set forth below.
section 1.6038B-1T(d). With respect to
the reference ID number, but must enter
section 367(e) transfers, see
Note. Because reference ID numbers
at least the EIN on line 4a.
Regulations section 1.6038B-1(e).
are established by or on behalf of the
You must correlate the reference ID
U.S. person filing Form 926, there is no
Column (c). Fair market value. Enter
numbers as follows: New reference ID
need to apply to the IRS to request a
the fair market value of the property
number [space] Old reference ID
reference ID number or for permission
transferred (measured as of the date of
number. If there is more than one old
to use these numbers.
reference ID number, you must enter a
space between each such number. As
Column (d). Cost or other basis.
Note. In general, the reference ID
indicated above, the length of a given
Enter your adjusted basis in the
number assigned to a transferee foreign
reference ID number is limited to 50
property transferred on the date of the
corporation on Form 926 has relevance
characters and each number must be
transfer. See sections 1011 through
only to Form 926 and should not be
alphanumeric and no special characters
1016 for more information for the
used with respect to the transferee
are permitted.
determination of adjusted basis.
foreign corporation on other IRS forms.
Supplemental Information
Note. This correlation requirement
Requirements. The reference ID
applies only to the first year the new
Required To Be Reported
number must be alphanumeric (defined
reference ID number is used.
below) and no special characters or
Enter any information from Part III that is
spaces are permitted. The length of a
Line 5. Address. Enter the information
required to be reported in greater detail.
given reference ID number is limited to
in the following order: city, province or
Identify the applicable column number
50 characters.
state, and country. Follow the country's
next to the information entered in this
For these purposes, the term
practice for entering the postal code, if
section. In addition, if you contributed
“alphanumeric” means the entry can be
any. Do not abbreviate the country
property to a foreign corporation as a
alphabetical, numeric, or any
name; however, if you file electronically,
part of a wider transaction, briefly
combination of the two.
please follow the convention specified.
describe the entire transaction.
The same reference ID number must
Line 6. Enter the two-letter country
Part IV— Additional
be used consistently from tax year to tax
code (from the list at
Information Regarding
year with respect to a given transferee
countrycodes) of the transferee foreign
foreign corporation. If for any reason a
Transfer of Property
corporation's country of incorporation or
reference ID number falls out of use (for
example, the transferee foreign
Line 10. List the type of nonrecognition
Line 7. List the entity classification (for
corporation no longer exists due to
transaction that gave rise to the
example, partnership, corporation, etc.)
disposition or liquidation), the reference
reporting obligation (for example,
of the transferee foreign corporation
ID number used for that transferee
section 332, 351, 354, 356, or 361).
under the laws of the country of
foreign corporation cannot be used
Line 11a. If gain recognition was
incorporation or organization.
again for another transferee foreign
required with respect to any transfer
reported in Part III under section 904(f)
Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 01-2015)


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