Instructions For Form 926 Page 2


and the total value of the transferee
realized but not recognized on the
to question 1a and the asset is a
foreign corporation immediately after
tangible asset, the transfer is taxable
the transfer and:
under sections 367(a)(1) and (a)(5). If
Penalties for Failure to File
the asset transferred is an intangible
The U.S. transferor qualified for
If a taxpayer fails to comply with section
asset, see section 367(d) and its
nonrecognition treatment with respect to
6038B, the penalty equals 10% of the
the transfer, or
fair market value of the property at the
The U.S. transferor is a tax-exempt
If you answered “No” to question 1a:
time of the transfer. The penalty will not
entity and the income was not unrelated
If the U.S. transferor is owned directly
apply if the failure to comply is due to
business income, or
by more than five domestic corporations
reasonable cause and not to willful
The transfer was taxable to the U.S.
immediately before the reorganization,
neglect. The penalty is limited to
transferor under Regulations section
but some combination of five or fewer
$100,000 unless the failure to comply
1.367(a)-3(c) and such person properly
domestic corporations controls the U.S.
was due to intentional disregard.
reported the income from the transferor
transferor, the U.S. transferor must
Moreover, the period of limitations for
on its timely filed return (including
designate the five or fewer domestic
assessment of tax upon the transfer of
extensions) for the tax year that
corporations that comprise the control
that property is extended to the date
includes the date of transfer, or
group. List these designated
that is 3 years after the date on which
The transfer is considered to be to a
corporations on Form 926, line 1b.
the information required to be reported
foreign corporation solely by reason of
Line 1b. If the transferor went out of
is provided.
Regulations section 1.83-6(d)(1) and
existence pursuant to the transfer (for
the fair market value of the property
Section 6662(j) Penalty
example, as in a reorganization
transferred did not exceed $100,000.
For tax years beginning after March 18,
described in section 368(a)(1)(C)), list
b. The U.S. transferor owned 5% or
2010, a 40% penalty may be imposed
the controlling shareholders and their
more of the total voting power or the
on any underpayment resulting from an
identifying numbers.
total value of the transferee foreign
undisclosed foreign financial asset
Line 1c. If the transferor was a member
corporation immediately after the
understatement. No penalty will be
of an affiliated group filing a
transfer and:
imposed with respect to any portion of
consolidated tax return (see sections
The U.S. transferor is a tax-exempt
an underpayment if the taxpayer can
1501 through 1504), but was not the
entity and the income was not unrelated
demonstrate that the failure to comply
parent corporation, list the name and
business income, or
was due to reasonable cause with
EIN of the parent corporation and file
The transfer was taxable to the U.S.
respect to such portion of the
Form 926 with the parent corporation's
transferor and such person properly
underpayment and the taxpayer acted
consolidated return.
reported the income from the transfer on
in good faith with respect to such portion
its timely filed return, or
of the underpayment. See sections
Line 1d. If the answer to line 1d is
The transfer is considered to be to a
6662(j) and 6664(c) for additional
"Yes," and if the asset is transferred in
foreign corporation solely by reason of
an exchange described in section
Regulations section 1.83-6(d)(1) and
361(a) or (b), attach the following.
the fair market value of the property
A statement that the conditions set
Specific Instructions
transferred did not exceed $100,000.
forth in the second sentence of section
367(a)(5) and any regulations under that
Important: All information reported on
When and How To File
section have been satisfied.
Form 926 must be in English. All
An explanation of any basis or other
amounts must be stated in U.S. dollars.
Form 926 (and the additional
adjustments made pursuant to section
If the information required in a given
information required under Regulations
367(a)(5) and any regulations
section 1.6038B-1(c) and Temporary
section exceeds the space provided
Regulations sections 1.6038B-1T(c)(1)
within that section, do not write “see
through (5) and 1.6038B-1T(d)) must be
attached” in the section and then attach
Line 2. If a partnership (whether foreign
filed with the U.S. transferor's income
all of the information on additional
or domestic) transfers property to a
tax return (or, if applicable, exempt
sheets. Instead, complete all entry
foreign corporation in an exchange
organization return) for the tax year that
spaces in the section and attach the
described in section 367(a)(1), then a
includes the date of the transfer.
remaining information on additional
U.S. person that is a partner in the
sheets. The additional sheets must
partnership shall be treated as having
Other Forms That May Be
conform with the IRS version of that
transferred a proportionate share of the
property in an exchange described in
Persons filing this form may be required
section 367(a)(1). A U.S. person's
Part I—U.S. Transferor
to file FinCEN Form 114, Report of
proportionate share of partnership
Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
property shall be determined under the
rules and principles of sections 701
Identifying number. The identifying
through 761 and the regulations
A U.S. transferor that is required to
number of an individual is his or her
thereunder. See Temporary Regulations
enter into a GRA under section 367 to
social security number (SSN). The
section 1.367(a)-1T(c)(3).
qualify for nonrecognition treatment
identifying number of all others is their
must file Form 8838, Consent To
Line 2d. For definition of “regularly
employer identification number (EIN).
Extend the Time To Assess Tax Under
traded on an established securities
Line 1a. If you answered “Yes” to
Section 367—Gain Recognition
market,” see Temporary Regulations
question 1a and the asset is a tangible
Agreement, to extend the statute of
section 1.367(a)-1T(c)(3)(ii)(D). If the
asset, section 367(a)(5) may require
limitations with respect to the gain
answer to line 2d is “Yes,” the rules of
basis adjustments. If you answered “No”
Instructions for Form 926 (Rev. 01-2015)


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