Student Registration Form
Student:___________________________________ School:____________________________
I give permission for ____________________ to participate in the Trinity Sound to Sea Environmental Education
Program held at Trinity Center located in Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina. I understand that the students will be
housed at the center from ___________ to ____________ and participate in educational activities as an extension of
the classroom studies.
Should my child sustain or incur any accident or illness while attending Trinity Sound to Sea Environmental
Education Program, I hereby authorize the Director, or his agent, to perform reasonable Good Samaritan actions or
execute any documents, including any necessary releases, which might be required by any medical facility to
perform any emergency care in my behalf. In the event that a child has an illness or accident during the program
which requires a visit to the doctor or hospital, the existing family or school policies will represent the primary
insurance coverage.
I understand that my child will engage in outdoor activities that could involve risk of injury and that by allowing
my child to participate, I assume all responsibility for injuries resulting from my child’s unsafe and/or inattentive
behavior or failure to follow instructions from group leaders of the activity.
I understand that the director or school leaders may dismiss my child from the Sound to Sea Program if, in their
opinions, his or her conduct is not in the best interest of the entire group. I also understand that I am responsible for
transporting my child in the case of a discipline or medical problem where the school leaders deem it necessary for
the student to return home.
I further agree that in consideration of my child attending Trinity Sound to Sea Environmental Education
program, I will hold the said Trinity Center harmless from any action by me or my child on account of any injury or
damage sustained or suffered by my child while attending Sound to Sea. I hereby waive any right of legal action
against Sound to Sea, Trinity Center or the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina.
do not (please check one) give permission for images and audio of my child, captured during Sound to
Sea activities through video, photo and digital camera, to be used solely for the purposes of Trinity Center and
Sound to Sea promotional materials and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto.
Insurance Information:
This section to be completed by a parent or guardian.
Is your student covered by a health or accident insurance policy? Yes___ No___
If "yes," list policy type (school or other)__________________________________________
Address of Insured (Student)____________________________________________________
City ___________________ State _______ Zip Code _____________
Name and Address of Employer/Employee that provides coverage:
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State ________ Zip Code _____________________
Name and Address of Insurance Company (Address to submit claims)
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________City _________ State _____ Zip Code_________
Phone Number of Company (____) ____-______ Policy # ____________________________
Insurance Agent __________________________Address______________________________
City ___________________________ State ________ Zip Code ____________________