Prior Written Notice Of District'S Proposal/refusal Functional Behavioral Assessment Form

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Functional Behavioral Assessment
Hancock County Schools
Student’s Full Name: ___________________________________________
Date: _____________________
School: ______________________________________________________
DOB: _____________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): __________________________________________
Grade: ____________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
WVEIS #: __________________
City/State: ___________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________
As a result of:
a Student Assistance Team (SAT) meeting conducted on
an Eligibility Committee (EC) meeting conducted on
an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team meeting conducted on
a disciplinary action occurring on
_X_ other behavioral problems displayed at school
the district is providing you with written notice of the district’s _X_proposal /
refusal of the following action(s) with regard to:
the educational evaluation or reevaluation of the student.
the identification of the student as having a disability.
the educational services and/or placement of the student.
the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to the student.
_X_ other plan to conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment
Specifically, the district is proposing to conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment of your child.
The district is proposing or refusing this action because: need to determine patterns and functions of behavior.
The evaluation procedure(s), assessment(s), record(s) or report(s) the district used as a basis for the _X_ proposed/
action are: teacher reports and/or disciplinary reports.
Other options considered include: not conducting a FBA.
The reasons the above options were rejected are: need to determine functions of behaviors in the school setting.
Other factors relevant to the district’s _X_ proposal /
refusal are: none needed
Exceptional students and their parents have protections under the procedural safeguards. A copy of the Procedural Safeguards Brochure and assistance in
understanding the provisions of the procedural safeguards may be obtained by contacting the Director of Special Education at 304-564-3411, as appropriate, the local
Parent Educator Resource Center and/or the West Virginia Department of Education, Office of Special Programs at 304-558-2696 or 1-800-642-8541.
West Virginia Department of Education
July 2013


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