The document(s) accompanying this transmission may contain confidential health
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individual or entity named below. The authorized recipient of this information is
prohibited from disclosing this information to any other party unless required to do so by
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strictly prohibited. If you have received this information in error, please notify the
PH # 1-800-417-8164
sender immediately and arrange for the return or destruction of these documents.
Prior Authorization Request Form
FAX to ESI: 800-357-9577
Please Note:
If the following information is NOT filled in completely, correctly or legibly,
the authorization review will be delayed.
Insurance Company______________________________________________________
Patients Prescription ID#________________________________________________________
Patient Full Name______________________________________________________________
Patient Date of Birth____________________________________________________________
Medication Requested___________________________________________________________
Quantity Requested ________________________________for _______________ days supply
Physician Name (please print clearly) ______________________________________________
Physician DEA number (required) ________________________________________________
Physician Address______________________________________________________________
Physician Phone________________________________________________________________
Physician Fax__________________________________________________________________
Diagnosis-Indication-Medical History (reason for use of this medication)
Other Medications/Therapies Tried and Reason(s) for Failure_________________________
_____________________________________ Date_______________
Physician Signature
Office Contact Person___________________________________________________________
Any further information pertaining to this drug request should be included and attached to this form.