Santa Letter Template


Santa Claus
The North Pole
Merry Christmas!
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season! I love this time of year.
You might notice that your stocking is a little lighter this year, or there's not
as much under the tree, or your presents aren't as big or expensive as
you're used to. It doesn't mean that you haven't been good this year, or that
your parents love you any less. Ho, no!
This year, your family has decided to cut back on how much money is
spent on Christmas gifts. I think that's a smart choice. Sometimes, people
get wrapped up in the "material" part of the holiday – the gifts.
I pitch in with a few presents here and there, but honestly it's your folks
who do most of the shopping. They know you best (yes, better than I do)
and they know which toys are most important to you. I trust them to decide
what's best for your family.
I heard a saying one time: "You can have everything you need but not
everything you want." It reminds me that there are people in the world who
are not fortunate enough to have clean clothes, a cozy bed, and plenty of
food to fill their bellies.
I hope you enjoy your gifts, and please remember the spirit of Christmas
and treasure this time with your family. As long as you have love
surrounding you, that's worth more than all the toys and video games that
money can buy.


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