Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan Form - United States Bankruptcy Court For The District Of Rhode Island Page 2


the term of the Plan and shall vest in the Debtor(s) only upon closing of the case. All property of
the estate shall remain within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court.
9. The Debtor(s) shall not transfer, sell, encumber, or otherwise alienate property of the estate
other than in accordance with the confirmed Plan or other order of the Bankruptcy Court. The
Debtor shall be responsible for preserving and protecting all property of the estate.
10. The Court may, from time to time during the period of the Plan, increase or reduce the
amount of the payments provided by the Plan, where it shall be made to appear at a hearing upon
such notice as the Court may designate, that the circumstances so warrant or so require.
11. The Debtor shall inform the Trustee of any increase he/she receives in salary or in income.
12. The Trustee shall pay the remaining balance due to any creditor when that balance due is
$25.00 or less.
13. Under 11 U.S.C. § 1325(a)(8) and § 1328(a), if the Debtor owes domestic support
obligations, whether owed at the time of filing or incurred during the pendency of the bankruptcy
case, the Debtor must file a certification with the Chapter 13 Trustee stating that all such
payments due under the plan have been paid before a discharge order may enter.
14. Upon completion of the plan, discharge shall enter unless: (a) after motion and hearing the
Court determines that the Debtor is not entitled to one pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1328(h), or; (b)
the Debtor is otherwise not entitled to one pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1328.
15. The plan meets all of the requirements set forth in 11 U.S.C. § 1325(a).
16. This order is effective for the plan confirmed on __________ as well as any amended plan
approved by the Court, post confirmation, upon the entry of an order modifying or approving a
post confirmation plan, unless a new order is deemed necessary.
Deputy Clerk
Arthur N. Votolato
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge
Entered on:


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