Consent To Share Asthma Action Plan And Information About My Child'S Asthma Form


Consent to Share Asthma Action Plan and Information about My Child's Asthma
Child's name: ________________________________________________________
School _____________________________________________ Grade___________
I, the parent or guardian ________________________________, agree that my child's Asthma
Action Plan (AAP) and other information about my child's asthma may be shared among those
noted below. I understand that this information will be used to help manage my child's asthma
when I am not with my child.
Check the box and write in the name of those you want to include in this consent:
Health Care Provider __________________________________________________
School Staff and School Health Office ____________________________________
Day care provider ____________________________________________________
Clinic or hospital _____________________________________________________
Coach ____________________________________________________________
Other ______________________________________________________________
How my child's privacy will be protected:
a. My child's health care provider must follow health information privacy laws.
b. My child's school and a coach who works for the school must follow school privacy laws.
c. Some people are not covered by privacy laws and it is possible they will not keep this
information private. This includes my child's day care provider, coach and others that I share
my child's asthma information with.
I have been told these key points:
a. I do not have to give my consent.
b. If I do not sign this consent, the quality of asthma care may be affected because other school
staff and the health care provider won't have all available information (since information is
not allowed to be shared without my consent), but it will not affect the other care my child
receives from school staff or their health care provider.
c. I may cancel my consent at any time. To cancel my consent, I need to send or deliver a letter
to the people listed above asking them to cancel my consent. I will provide my child's name
and sign my name.
d. This consent form expires in one year.
Signature of parent or guardian: ____________________________
Date: _________________
Note to health care provider: Please give this consent to the parent or guardian for them to sign and
their child's school.
This document complies with the requirements of the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) Privacy Rule, and the FERPA (Family
Educational Rights & Privacy Act ) Regulations.


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