Form 63-23 - Premium Excise Return For All Classes Of Foreign Insurance Companies - 2001 Page 5


Line 25 — Penalties. Any company that has an underpayment of
Line 27 — Payment Due. Enter the total payment due. Checks for
estimated tax will incur a penalty on the underpayment for the period
this amount should be made payable to the Commonwealth of Mass-
of the underpayment. Attach a copy of Form M-2220. For more in-
achusetts. Checks should have the company’s federal identification
formation, refer to the section, “When Are Estimated Tax Payments
number written in the lower left corner.
Any company that fails to file a timely return will be subject to a late
When the form is complete, it must be signed by the treasurer or as-
filing penalty of 1% per month, or fraction thereof, and a late payment
sistant treasurer. If you are signing as an authorized delegate of the
penalty of ¹ ₂% per month, or fraction thereof, on the amount required
appropriate corporate officer, check the box in the signature section
to be shown as the tax due on the return. For more information, refer
and attach a Massachusetts Form M-2848, Power of Attorney. Mail
to the section, “What Are the Penalties for Late Returns?”
forms to:
Line 26 — Interest. Any company that fails to pay its tax when due
Massachusetts Department of Revenue
will be subject to interest on the unpaid balance. For more informa-
PO Box 7052
tion, refer to the section “What Are the Penalties for late Returns?”
Boston, MA 02204


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