Form 63-23 - Premium Excise Return For All Classes Of Foreign Insurance Companies - 2001 Page 4


Line Instructions
Line 10 — Initiative Credit. A company shall be allowed a credit
against the premium tax equal to 1.5 percent of such company’s total
Federal Audit
capital contribution in excess of their full proportionate share which shall
If your corporation has undergone a federal audit for some prior year,
mean an investment in the Massachusetts Property and Casualty In-
you must report any changes on Massachusetts Form CA-6, Applica-
surance Company Community and Economic Development Initiative.
tion for Abatement/Amended Return, within three months after the
final determination of the correct taxable income by the IRS. Other-
This credit is effective for tax years in which the aggregate cumulative
wise, you will be subject to a penalty. Answering “yes” to this question
investment in the Property and Casualty Initiative reaches 100 million
does not relieve the company of this filing obligation.
or the tax year 2004, whichever is later.
Should the Whole Dollar Method Be Used?
Line 11 — Credit for Member Insurers of the Massachusetts Life
Yes. All amounts entered must be rounded off to the nearest dollar.
and Health Insurance Guaranty Association. Enter 10% of the as-
sessment for each of five years following the year in which the as-
Computation of Excise
sessment was paid. If the sum of offsets exceeds $3,000,000, the
Line 1
Income. Enter the amount of total net direct premiums
excess may be carried forward and may be used in a year in which
subject to tax in Massachusetts from Schedule T of the NAIC Annual
the $3,000,000 is not exceeded. If the total offsets exceed $3,000,000
Statement. Include in this amount any finance and service charges
in a year, the Department of Revenue will assess each member with
from Schedule T.
an additional tax equal to the amount of the offset which exceeds
Please note that ocean marine premiums reported on your 2001
$3,000,000 of such members pro rata share. If the total offsets do not
Ocean Marine Profits Tax Return, line 33, column 7, are deductible
exceed $3,000,000 in a year, the Department of Revenue will calculate
from net direct premiums.
each members’ pro rata share to determine the amount of refund due
each member and issue a refund to each member.
Net Direct Premiums are gross premiums, exclusive of reinsurance
assumed, as written in:
Line 12 — Economic Opportunity Area Credit. Enter the amount
of Economic Opportunity Area credit claimed this year from Schedule
• all policies issued or renewed (including dividends applied to pay-
EOA, line 10. Attach a completed Schedule EOA to this return. For
ment of renewals, and policy and membership fees whether or not
more information, contact the Massachusetts Office of Business De-
actually received by the company);
velopment at One Ashburton Place, Room 2101, Boston, MA 02108.
• all additional premiums charged on policies issued in this or in pre-
Line 13 — Full Employment Program Credit. A qualified employer
vious years; and
participarting in the Full Employment Program may claim a credit of
• all assessments made upon policyholders, for insurance of property
$100 per month of eligible employment per employee. The maximum
or interests in Massachusetts or which are subjects of insurance is-
amount of credit that may be applied in all taxable years with respect
sued through companies or agents in this State;
to each employee is $1,200. Attach Schedule FEC to this return. For
more information, contact the Department of Transitional Assistance,
600 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111.
• premiums on direct policies written but not taken or canceled through
default of payment; and
Line 15 — Voluntary Contribution for Endangered Wildlife Con-
servation. Any corporation that wishes to contribute any amount to the
• premiums returned to policyholders on canceled policies of direct
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund may do so on this
insurance, but without deduction or exclusion in any manner of rein-
form. This amount is added to the excise due. It increases the amount
surance ceded, dividends, commissions, expenses or losses.
of the corporation’s payment or reduces the amount of its refund.
Line 2. If applicable and not previously reported on Schedule T, in-
The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund is administered
clude the policy year amount of “Fair Plan” participation premiums in-
by the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Law En-
curred with the Massachusetts Property Tax Insurance Underwriting
forcement to provide for conservation programs for rare, endangered
Association and/or Crime Insurance Program.
and nongame wildlife and plants in the Commonwealth.
Line 4 — Deduction. Enter the total of dividend deductions for
Lines 17 through 20 — Payments. Enter in line 17 any overpayment
premiums returned or credited to policyholders in Mass. as dividends
credited from 2000 to 2001. Enter estimated tax payments made in
on direct business from Schedule T of the NAIC Annual Statement.
2001 in line 18. Any extension payment should be entered in line 19.
Line 7 — Retaliatory Tax. Use the back of Form 63-23 to calculate
Line 19 should reflect the total payments made for the entire year.
your excise using the same method and rate used by the state in
Lines 21 through 23 — Overpayment and Refund. If the amount
which you are incorporated and would be imposed on a like Mass-
in line 19 is larger than the amount in line 15, enter the amount over-
achusetts insurance company, or its agents, if doing business to the
paid in line 21.
same extent. If the computation in the state of your incorporation is
in every respect the same as your Massachusetts computation, a
The overpayment may be applied in part or in full to 2002 estimated
statement to that effect should be made. Enter this amount in line 7.
taxes by entering in line 22 the amount to be credited to 2002 esti-
Retaliatory tax provisions are provided under MGL Ch. 63, secs. 23
mated tax payments. Enter the amount to be refunded in line 22.
and 24A.
An overpayment of excise cannot be applied as a credit to the tax of
Line 8 — Credit Recapture. If the corporation is required to recap-
another account of this company or to the tax of another company.
ture any amount of previously claimed EOA Credit, complete Sched-
Line 23 — Balance Due. If line 16 is larger than line 20, enter
ule H-2 and enter the result in line 8 of the return. Current year credits
the balance due in line 24. Payment in full is due on or before March
can then be used to offset the total excise due which will include the
15, 2002.
recapture amount.


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