Santa Letter Template


Santa Claus
The North Pole
Merry Christmas!
I see that you are on my list of "nice" dogs this year. Good
job! I know it's hard to stay out of mischief sometimes.
I just wanted to let you know I'm looking forward to seeing you
this year, and to ask for a few favors.
First, if you see some cookies and milk sitting out, please
leave them be. Those are for me!
Also, you might hear some banging around on the roof when
Rudolph and I land the sleigh. Please try not to bark! If you wake
up the family, I won't be able to come in and deliver the presents.
Finally, be a good sport if your people want to dress you up in
a holiday outfit. I know pretend antlers feel weird, but they make
dogs look so cute in Christmas card photos!
Speaking of presents, I'm going to put a few things in my sack
for you. I hope you like doggy treats, because the elves are
baking a fresh batch just for you. And be sure to get your people
to hang up your stocking so I have somewhere to put these great
dog toys.
I'll see you soon!


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