Order Confirming Chapter 12 Plan And Resolving Motions Form

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In re
Case No. _________________
The debtor's current plan was transmitted to the appropriate creditors and after hearing upon notice, the Court found
the provisions of 11 USC §1225(a) were complied with, THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that:
1. The debtor's plan dated _____________ as modified by any amendment shown in pt. 10 below, is confirmed.
2. The debtor shall incur no credit or debt obligations during the life of the plan without the trustee's written consent
unless made necessary by emergency or incurred in the ordinary course of operating the debtor's business. Unless waived
by the trustee in writing, the debtor shall immediately report to the trustee if actual or projected gross annual income exceeds
by more than 10% the gross farming income and/or net farm income projected by the debtor in the most recently filed Exhibit
D-1. Except for those amounts listed in the schedules, the debtor shall immediately report to the trustee any right of the debtor
or debtor's spouse to a distribution of funds (other than regular farm income) or other property which exceeds a value of
$2,500.00. This includes the right to disbursements from any source, including but not limited to bonuses and inheritances.
Any such funds to which the debtor becomes entitled shall be held by the debtor and not used without the trustee's permission,
or, if such permission is not obtained, a court order. The debtor shall not buy, sell, use, lease, encumber or otherwise dispose
of any interest in: (a) real property; or (b) personal property with a value exceeding $10,000.00 outside the ordinary course
of business without notice to all creditors and the trustee with an opportunity for hearing unless such property is acquired
through the use of credit and the trustee's permission is obtained pursuant to the first sentence of this paragraph.
3. During the life of the plan, the debtor(s) shall timely file all required tax returns and provide copies of all tax returns
to the trustee each year immediately upon filing with the taxing authority. The debtor’s failure to pay postpetition taxes and/or
domestic support obligations may constitute cause for dismissal of the debtor’s chapter 12 case under 11 USC §1208(c).
4. The debtor's attorney is awarded $_________________, for attorney fees herein, of which $_________________
has been previously paid by the debtor leaving a balance of $_________________. The trustee is directed to pay any balance
from sums remaining after payments under pt. 2(b) of the plan are current.
1255.05 (10/17/05) Page 1 of 2
[NOTE: Printed text may NOT be stricken!]


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