Determinism Within The Practice Of Astrology Page 6


3.4 If you knew the birth data of a pet, would you do its chart?
please circle
3.4.1 If you know your pet’s chart do you expect to see similar astrological
features in their chart as you would in one of your family members?
please circle
3.5 If you are trying to select the timing of a birth which is going to be a caesarean or
inducted but unexpected events occur which alter this timing do you consider that the
infant has chosen their own time of birth?
Yes/No / Never considered it
please circle
Section 4 – Your views on fate, destiny or necessity
There are different philosophical positions on the nature of determinism (fate), and also on why,
if at all, it is present in our life. This section of the survey is asking your opinion on some of these
positions. With each statement please select one option of the five choices offered. If you do
not believe in fate then please move to Section 5.
4.1 To what extent do you feel that the experience of fate in your life comes from:
1) the will of a single divine entity (God) in your life.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
2) a divine cosmos/nature (as gods, goddesses, spirits or energies) expressing itself in
your life.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
3) your soul making a choice to enter a physical state at a particular time to enable it to
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
4) your actions in a previous life.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
5) the combination of all that has happened in the past with the physical laws of nature
which fixes a unique and possible future.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
6) previous events in your own personal history, and/or your family’s history and/or your
culture’s history.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
7) your life being part of and contributing to the emerging patterns formed naturally by
the web of life.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree
8) the human desire for a pattern which strings together what is only a series of
coincidences into something which appears to be meaningful.
strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree or disagree / agree / strongly agree


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