Field Trip Permission Form


1. The school recognizes field trips under the supervision of one or more teachers/supervisors as an
extension of the regular classroom program. Students on field trips are subject to the rules established for
and by the school.
2. In the event of illness or injury, a supervising teacher will contact the parent/guardian as soon as possible
as well as contacting the school. Should it become necessary for a student participant to receive medical
care the teacher will use his/her best judgment in obtaining such care. Any costs incurred would be the
responsibility of the parent/guardian. Note: The student must carry his/her Ontario Health Card.
3. It is the responsibility of each student to follow the exact schedule. If a problem arises, a supervising
teacher will try to contact a parent/guardian by telephone.
4. If a student becomes lost or separated from his/her group, he/she will have instructions to call the school
collect. Also each student will be advised of appropriate meeting times and places.
5. The final decision to go or not on a field trip rests with the student and his/her parents.
I have read and understand the above conditions under which the field trip will operate. My
son/daughter/ward has permission to participate in any field trip during the duration of his/her studies at
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________ Name of student: ______________________
(printed name of parent/guardian)
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Subject to the conditions above, I wish to participate:
Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Emergency Contact Name: ____________________________ Number: _______________________
Medical Information: ________________________________________________________________
Field Trip Permission


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