Form D34f - Statutory Declaration Spouse

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200 – 1881 Scarth Street, Regina SK S4P 4L1
Phone: 306.787.4370
Toll free: 1.800.667.7590
Statutory Declaration – Spouse
Province of Saskatchewan
Worker’s Name: _________________
To Wit:
do solemnly declare:
(Fill in name in full)
1. That I am the spouse of
who died on the
day of _________________
as the result of personal injury sustained while in the employ of
(Give city, town, or other place)
2. That I was born on the
day of
, _____.
My S.I.N.# is ______________________
3. That I was married to my above-named spouse on the
_ day of
__, ___ ___,
(Give city, town, or other places)
4. That at the date of my above-named spouse's death we were living together as husband and wife and
had been so living continuously since our said marriage except
(If any exception, give particulars and explanation; if no exception, so state)
5. That the names, dates of birth, and present residence of the children of the above-named spouse,
under the age of 25, now living, wholly or partly dependent upon the worker's earnings at the time of
death, are as follows:
Date of Birth
Present Address
6. That I am now residing at _______________________________________________________
(Give street name and number, if any)
in _______________________, in the Province of _____________________________
(Give city, town or other place)
That I claim compensation on behalf of myself and the above-mentioned children.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the
same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of "The Canada Evidence Act".
Declared before me at the ________________of ____________in the ______________ of ___________.
this ________________________ day of ___________________________ A. D. 20______.
A Commissioner, J. P., or Notary Public
(Spouse sign here)
Updated: 01/16


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